
rɪˈpres гл.
1) а) подавлять, усмирять;
останавливать to repress a disturbance ≈ подавлять беспорядки Syn : subdue б) прям и перен. обуздывать, сдерживать;
угнетать injustice was repressedнесправедливость была исправлена to repress a laugh, an angerсдерживать смех, гнев Syn : curb
2) вылечивать, излечивать;
облегчать (болезненное состояние)
3) давить, приостанавливать, мешать развитию
4) репрессировать
5) псих. вытеснять из сознания подавлять - to * an uprising подавить восстание обуздывать;
угнетать - the parents *ed their child родители очень сурово обращались со своим ребенком репрессировать сдерживать (чувства и т. п.) - to * tears сдерживать слезы - to * a sneeze удержаться от чихания - to * passions обуздывать страсти (биология) репрессировать (ген) ;
ингибировать (фермент) (психологическое) вытеснять из сознания (воспоминания и т. п.) ;
вытеснять в подсознание repress подавлять (восстание и т. п.) ~ репрессировать ~ сдерживать (слезы и т. п.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "repress" в других словарях:

  • Repress — Re*press (r? pr?s ), v. t. [Pref. re + press: cf. L. reprimere, repressum. Cf. {Reprimand}.] 1. To press back or down effectually; to crush down or out; to quell; to subdue; to supress; as, to repress sedition or rebellion; to repress the first… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repress — [ri pres′] vt. [ME repressen < L repressus, pp. of reprimere: see RE & PRESS1] 1. to keep down or hold back; restrain [to repress a sigh] 2. to put down; subdue 3. to control so strictly or severely as to prevent the natural development or… …   English World dictionary

  • Repress — Re*press (r? pr?s ), v. t. [Pref. re + press.] To press again. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Repress — Re*press , n. The act of repressing. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repress — I verb allay, bottle up, bridle, censor, check, choke, comprimere, control, cork, crush, curb, damp, dampen, deaden, domineer, dull, enchain, gag, hinder, hobble, hold back, hold in, hush, inhibit, keep down, keep in, keep in check, keep under… …   Law dictionary

  • repress — late 14c., to check, restrain, from L. repressus, pp. of reprimere hold back, check, from re back + premere to push (see PRESS (Cf. press) (v.1)). Used of feelings or desires from late 14c.; in the purely psychological sense, it represents Ger.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • repress — *suppress Analogous words: *restrain, curb, check, inhibit: subdue, overcome (see CONQUER) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • repress — [v] keep back, hold in black out*, bottle, chasten, check, collect, compose, control, cool*, cork*, crush, curb, gridlock*, hinder, hold back, inhibit, jam up, keep in, keep in check, keep under wraps*, kill*, lock, master, muffle, overcome,… …   New thesaurus

  • repress — ► VERB 1) subdue by force. 2) restrain, prevent, or inhibit. 3) suppress (a thought or feeling) in oneself so that it becomes or remains unconscious. DERIVATIVES represser noun repressible adjective repression noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • repress — 01. As a child, she always had to [repress] her anger because her parents wouldn t allow her to argue with them. 02. If you always [repress] your feelings, you could end up with high blood pressure or something. 03. His long [repressed]… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • repress — [[t]rɪpre̱s[/t]] represses, repressing, repressed 1) VERB If you repress a feeling, you make a deliberate effort not to show or have this feeling. [V n] People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares... [V n] It is anger that is… …   English dictionary

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