- repolarization
1. реполяризация (восстановление исходного потенциала мембраны)
2. эл. переполяризация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Repolarization — In neuroscience, repolarization refers to the change in membrane potential that returns the membrane potential to a negative value after the depolarization phase of an action potential has just previously changed the membrane potential to a… … Wikipedia
repolarization — The process whereby the membrane, cell, or fiber, after depolarization, is polarized again, with positive charges on the outer and negative charges on the inner surface. * * * re·po·lar·iza·tion also Brit re·po·lar·isa·tion .rē pō lə rə zā shən n … Medical dictionary
repolarization — n. the process in which the membrane of a nerve cell returns to its normal electrically charged state after a nerve impulse has passed. During the passage of a nerve impulse a temporary change in the molecular structure of the membrane allows a… … The new mediacal dictionary
repolarization — noun Date: 1922 restoration of the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the cell membrane following depolarization • repolarize verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
repolarization — n. * * * … Universalium
repolarization — noun The act of repolarizing … Wiktionary
repolarization — re·polarization … English syllables
repolarization — re po•lar•i•za′tion n … From formal English to slang
repolarization — … Useful english dictionary
early repolarization — a normal variant of the usually isoelectric ST segment in which the segment is elevated at its J point; it is seen mostly in children, young adults, and black men. Early repolarization. The benign ST segment elevations are usually most marked in… … Medical dictionary
Реполяризация (Repolarization) — фаза, во время которой восстанавливается исходный по тенциал покоя мембраны нервной клетки после прохождения через нее нервного импульса. Во время прохождения нервного импульса происходит временное изменение молекулярной структуры мембраны, в… … Медицинские термины