replacement module

replacement module
модуль замены, резервный модуль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "replacement module" в других словарях:

  • Orbital replacement unit — Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs) are key elements of the International Space Station that can be readily replaced when the unit either passes its design life or fails. Examples of ORUs are: pumps, storage tanks, controller boxes, antennas, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Lunar Module — The Apollo Lunar Module was the lander portion of the Apollo spacecraft built for the US Apollo program by Grumman to achieve the transit from cislunar orbit to the surface and back. The module was also known as the LM from the manufacturer… …   Wikipedia

  • ISS Propulsion Module — TheISS Propulsion module was proposed as a backup to functions performed by the Zvezda Service Module and Progress spacecraft. Critical ISS functionality such as guidance, navigation, control and propulsion are provided only by Russian (Zvezda… …   Wikipedia

  • Russian Research Module — The Russian Research Module (RM) was to be a Russian component of the International Space Station (ISS) that provided facilities for Russian science experiments and research. The original designs of ISS featured two research modules, but Russian… …   Wikipedia

  • Power entry module — A power entry module is an electromechanical component used in electrical appliances and electronic equipment, replacing a power inlet connector and one or more other components. They can be helpful in saving space and cutting manufacturing costs …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile pci-express module — Développé par NVIDIA en collaboration avec, entre autres, Quanta (1er fabricant de portables au monde), MXM est un format de carte graphique pour ordinateurs portables. Le format est disponible pour l instant en trois déclinaisons : MXM 1… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Conditional-access module — A conditional access module (CAM) is an electronic device, usually incorporating a slot for a smart card, which equips an Integrated Digital Television or set top box with the appropriate hardware facility to view conditional access content that… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital Replacement Unit — Das Orbital Replacement Unit Konzept (ORU) ist eine Designphilosophie für Satelliten und Weltraumstationen. Dabei wird der Satellit so in Module aufgeteilt, dass diese bei einer Service Mission ohne größere Probleme ausgetauscht werden können.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mobile PCI-Express Module — Développé par NVIDIA en collaboration avec, entre autres, Quanta (1er fabricant de portables au monde), MXM est un format de carte graphique pour ordinateurs portables. Le format est disponible pour l instant en trois déclinaisons : MXM 1… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Petronius (oil platform) — Petronius is a deepwater compliant tower oil platform operated by Chevron Corporation and Marathon Oil in the Gulf of Mexico, 210 km southeast of New Orleans.A compliant piled tower design, it is 609.9 meters (2,001 ft) high, was arguably the… …   Wikipedia

  • Boyer–Moore string search algorithm — The Boyer–Moore string search algorithm is a particularly efficient string searching algorithm, and it has been the standard benchmark for the practical string search literature. [Hume and Sunday (1991) [Fast String Searching] SOFTWARE PRACTICE… …   Wikipedia

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