repeat key

repeat key
ключ повторной передачи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "repeat key" в других словарях:

  • repeat key — noun 1. : a key on a business machine that when depressed allows a calculating operation set up on the machine to be repeated indefinitely 2. : a key on an electric typewriter that continues to operate as long as the key is depressed …   Useful english dictionary

  • Key (music) — Scale degree names[1] (C major scale). In music theory, the term key is used in many different and sometimes contradictory ways. A common use is to speak of music as being in a specific key, such as in the key of C major or in the key of F sharp …   Wikipedia

  • Key signature — For use in cryptography, see Key signature (cryptography). Key signature A major / F♯ minor with three sharps placed after the clef. In musical notation, a key signature is a series of sharp or …   Wikipedia

  • Repeat Sales — A purchase made by a consumer that replaces a previous purchase that has been consumed. Repeat sales often play a role in brand loyalty. If a consumer purchases and is happy with a particular brand of automobile, for example, he or she may… …   Investment dictionary

  • Key selection vector — The Key Selection Vector means the numerical associated with a Device Key Set and distributed by Licensor or its designee to Adopters and used to support authentication of Licensed Products and Revocation. It is considered a confidential set of… …   Wikipedia

  • Ankyrin repeat — The ankyrin repeat is a 33 residue motif in proteins consisting of two alpha helices separated by loops, first discovered in signaling proteins in yeast Cdc10 and Drosophila Notch. Ankyrin repeats mediate protein protein interactions and are… …   Wikipedia

  • Running key cipher — In classical cryptography, the running key cipher is a type of polyalphabetic substitution cipher in which a text, typically from a book, is used to provide a very long keystream. Usually, the book to be used would be agreed ahead of time, while… …   Wikipedia

  • Temporal Key Integrity Protocol — or TKIP is a security protocol used in the IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Background TKIP (pronounced tee kip ) was designed by the IEEE 802.11i task group and the Wi Fi Alliance as a solution to replace WEP without requiring the replacement of… …   Wikipedia

  • Big Trak — / bigtrak was the programmable electric vehicle created by Milton Bradley in 1979.It was a six wheeled tank with a front mounted blue photon beam headlamp, and a keypad on top. The toy could remember up to 16 commands which it then executed in… …   Wikipedia

  • Qawwali — (Urdu/Persian: قوٌالی; Punjabi/Multani: ਖ਼ਵ੍ਵਾਲੀ, قوٌالی; Brajbhasha/Hindi: क़व्वाली) is a form of Sufi devotional music popular on the Indian subcontinent. It s a vibrant musical tradition that stretches back more than 700 years. Originally… …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Pakistan — Genres Classical Ghazal Sufi Folk Qawwali Pop (Filmi …   Wikipedia

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