Смотреть что такое "reovirus" в других словарях:
RÉOVIRUS — Le genre Réovirus est classé dans la famille des Reoviridae avec les genres Orbivirus (dont l’espèce type est le virus de la fièvre à tique du Colorado) et Rotavirus (récemment reconnu comme responsable de gastro entérites). Cette dénomination… … Encyclopédie Universelle
reovirus — Grupo de tres virus de doble cadena de ARN presentes en todas partes, identificados en los aparatos respiratorio y digestivo tanto de personas sanas como de enfermas. Los reovirus han sido implicados en algunos casos de enfermedades de vías… … Diccionario médico
reovirus — REOVÍRUS s. n. virus care produce la copii enterite de tip diareic şi afecţiuni respiratorii. (< fr. rhéovirus) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
reovirus — 1959, coined by Dr. Albert B. Savin, acronym for respiratory enteric orphan virus; orphan because it was not connected to any of the diseases it is associated with … Etymology dictionary
reovirus — [rē′ō vī΄rəs] n. any of a family (Reoviridae) of RNA viruses, including the rotaviruses, that infect various plants and animals … English World dictionary
reovirus — re·o·vì·rus s.m.inv. TS biol. virus a RNA responsabile di infezioni respiratorie ed enteriche in vari animali e nell uomo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1984. ETIMO: dall ingl. reovirus, comp. di r(espiratory) respiratorio , e(nteric) intestinale ,… … Dizionario italiano
reovirus — noun Etymology: respiratory enteric orphan (i.e., unidentified) virus Date: 1959 any of a family (Reoviridae) of double stranded RNA viruses that have a virion with icosahedral structural symmetry but may appear spherical, that have a capsid with … New Collegiate Dictionary
reovirus — /ree oh vuy reuhs, ree oh vuy /, n., pl. reoviruses. any large virus of the family Reoviridae, having double stranded RNA and a polyhedral capsid, including those causing infantile gastroenteritis. [1955 60; r(espiratory) e(nteric) o(rphan)… … Universalium
reovirus — noun Any of a group of RNA viruses, of the family Reoviridae, that infect animals and some plants … Wiktionary
Reovirus — A genus of viruses currently called Orthoreovirus (family Reoviridae) that are 80 nm in diameter, with distinct double layers of capsomeres, and have vertebrates as hosts; they have been recovered from children with upper respiratory tract… … Medical dictionary
reovirus — Cualquiera de un pequeño grupo de virus de animales y plantas que tienen apariencia esferoidal y contienen un centro de ARN. Los géneros más conocidos son Orthoreovirus, Orbivirus, Rotavirus y Phytoreovirus. Los tres primeros infectan a los… … Enciclopedia Universal