renormalization group
Смотреть что такое "renormalization group" в других словарях:
Renormalization group — In theoretical physics, the renormalization group (RG) refers to a mathematical apparatus that allows systematic investigation of the changes of a physical system as viewed at different distance scales. In particle physics, it reflects the… … Wikipedia
Renormalization group equation — may refer to:* beta function * Callan Symanzik equation * Exact renormalization group equation … Wikipedia
Numerical renormalization group — The Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is a technique devised by Kenneth Wilson to solve certain many body problems where quantum impurity physics plays a key role. It is an inherently non perturbative procedure, which was originally used to… … Wikipedia
Density matrix renormalization group — The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a numerical variational technique devised to obtain the low energy physics of quantum many body systems with high accuracy. It was invented in 1992 by Steven R. White and it is nowadays the most… … Wikipedia
Renormalization — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) … Wikipedia
Butcher group — In mathematics, the Butcher group, named after the New Zealand mathematician John C. Butcher by Hairer Wanner (1974), is an infinite dimensional group first introduced in numerical analysis to study solutions of non linear ordinary differential… … Wikipedia
On shell renormalization scheme — In quantum field theory, and especially in quantum electrodynamics, the interacting theory leads to infinite quantities that have to be absorbed in a renormalization procedure, in order to be able to predict measurable quantities. The… … Wikipedia
Wave function renormalization — In quantum field theory, wave function renormalization is a rescaling, or renormalization, of quantum fields to take into account the effects of interactions. For a noninteracting or free field, the field operator creates or annihilates a single… … Wikipedia
Blue Man Group — Pour les articles homonymes, voir BMG. Blue Man Group Surnom Blue Man BMG … Wikipédia en Français
Dimensional regularization — Renormalization and regularization Renormalization Renormalization … Wikipedia
Renormierungsgruppe — Die Renormierungsgruppe (RG) beschreibt die Abhängigkeit bestimmter physikalischer Größen von der Energieskala. Ursprünglich ein Konzept der Quantenfeldtheorie, erstreckt sich sein Anwendungsbereich heutzutage auch auf die Festkörperphysik,… … Deutsch Wikipedia