
rɪˈnju: гл.
1) а) обновлять;
реставрировать Syn : renovate б) пополнять запасы
2) а) снова начинать, возобновлять (какую-л. деятельность) to renew discussionвозобновить обсуждение Syn : resume I б) вызвать вновь, возрождать (чувства и т. п.)
3) повторять Syn : repeat
4) продлить срок действия (договора, паспорта и т. п.) , пролонгировать Syn : prolong обновлять;
восстанавливать, реставрировать - to * one's youth вернуть себе молодость - a snake *s its skin змея меняет кожу - we * our strength in sleep сон восстанавливает силы, во сне мы восстанавливаем силы пополнять (запасы и т. п.) - we must * our supplies of coal мы должны пополнить (свои) запасы угля - to * one's wardrobe обновить свой гардероб возобновлять - to * one's subscription возобновить подписку - to * an attack возобновить /вновь предпринять/ наступление - to * one's acquaintance with smb. возобновить знакомство с кем-л. повторять - to * vows повторять обеты - to * a promise повторить обещание - to * the subject вернуться к теме - to * objections повторить /вновь выдвинуть/ свои возражения возрождать, вызывать вновь продлить (срок действия) ;
пролонгировать - to * the lease продлить срок (действия) аренды - to * a library book отсрочить возврат библиотечной книги ~ возрождать;
to renew correspondence возобновить переписку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "renew" в других словарях:

  • renew — re‧new [rɪˈnjuː ǁ rɪˈnuː] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to arrange for an existing contract, agreement, deal etc to continue: • Most airlines renew their insurance policies between July and October. • The original contract had a term of… …   Financial and business terms

  • renew — renew, restore, refresh, renovate, refurbish, rejuvenate are comparable when they mean to give a person or thing that has become old, worn, or exhausted the qualities or appearance of what is fresh or new or young. Renew is so inclusive a term… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • renew — re·new /ri nü, nyü/ vt 1: to make like new: restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection; specif: to prevent the lapse of (a judgment) due to expiration of a statute of limitations 2: to do or state again renew ed his objection to the evidence 3:… …   Law dictionary

  • renew — [ri no͞o′, rinyo͞o′] vt. [ME renewen < re + newe (see NEW), after L renovare: see RENOVATE] 1. to make new or as if new again; make young, fresh, or strong again; bring back into good condition 2. to give new spiritual strength to 3. to cause… …   English World dictionary

  • Renew — Re*new (r? n? ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reneved} ( n?d ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Renewing}.] [Pref. re + new. Cf. {Renovate}.] 1. To make new again; to restore to freshness, perfection, or vigor; to give new life to; to rejuvenate; to re[eum]stablish; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • renew — late 14c., from re again + M.E. newen resume, revive, renew; on analogy of L. renovare …   Etymology dictionary

  • Renew — Re*new , v. i. To become new, or as new; to grow or begin again. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • renew — [v] start over; refurbish begin again, brace, breathe new life into*, bring up to date*, continue, exhilarate, extend, fix up, freshen, gentrify, go over, mend, modernize, overhaul, prolong, reaffirm, reawaken, recommence, recondition, recreate,… …   New thesaurus

  • renew — ► VERB 1) resume or re establish after an interruption. 2) give fresh life or strength to. 3) extend the period of validity of (a licence, subscription, or contract). 4) replace or restore (something broken or worn out). DERIVATIVES renewal noun… …   English terms dictionary

  • renew */*/ — UK [rɪˈnjuː] / US [rɪˈnu] verb [transitive] Word forms renew : present tense I/you/we/they renew he/she/it renews present participle renewing past tense renewed past participle renewed 1) to arrange for something to continue for a longer period… …   English dictionary

  • renew — Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to make like new ; restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection < as we renew our strength in sleep > 2. to make new spiritually ; regenerate 3. a. to restore to existence ; revive b. to make …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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