
renˈdɪʃən редк.;
= rendering
1) и rendering
2) исполнение;
изображение - his * of Hamlet его исполнение /истолкование/ роли Гамлета перевод - the * of the text into English перевод текста на английский язык (американизм) количество сданной продукции (редкое) сдача (города, гарнизона и т. п.) - the terms of * условия сдачи (юридическое) вынесение (судебного решения, вердикта) (юридическое) выдача (преступника) иностранному государству rendition редк. = rendering

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rendition" в других словарях:

  • Rendition — Rendition, Inc. war ein Hersteller von Grafikchips in den 1990er Jahren. Unternehmens Ziel war die Entwicklung und der Verkauf von hochwertigen Grafikchips für den Low Cost Markt. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Produkte 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rendition — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rendition Título El sospechoso Expediente Anwar Ficha técnica Dirección Gavin Hood Música Paul Hepker Mark Kilian Repa …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rendition — may refer to: *Rendition (law), a legal term meaning handing over * Rendition (video game), a 2007 political art experiment in text adventure form *Rendition (company), a maker of 2D and 3D graphics chipsets for PCs * Rendition (film), a 2007… …   Wikipedia

  • Rendition — Ren*di tion (r?n d?sh ?n), n. [LL. rendere to render: cf. L. redditio. See {Render}, and cf. {Reddition}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of rendering; especially, the act of surrender, as of fugitives from justice, at the claim of a foreign… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rendition — ren·di·tion /ren di shən/ n 1: the act or result of rendering the Court s rendition of judgment 2: extradition of a fugitive who has fled to another state Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • rendition — c.1600, surrender of a place or possession, from obsolete Fr. rendition a rendering, from O.Fr. rendre to deliver, to yield (see RENDER (Cf. render)). Meaning translation first recorded 1650s; that of an acting, a performing first recorded 1858,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rendition — An early meaning of this word, ‘the surrender of a place or person’, has been revived in the sinister context of political euphemism. At the start of the 21c we have been made dramatically aware of extraordinary rendition, the practice of… …   Modern English usage

  • rendition — [n] explanation; interpretation arrangement, construction, delivery, depiction, execution, interpretation, performance, portrayal, presentation, reading, rendering, transcription, translation, version; concepts 263,278 Ant. obscurity, vagueness …   New thesaurus

  • rendition — ► NOUN 1) a rendering of a dramatic, musical, or artistic work. 2) a translation …   English terms dictionary

  • rendition — [ren dish′ən] n. [MFr, altered (infl. by rendre, to RENDER) < L redditio (< pp. of reddere): see RENDER] a rendering or result of rendering; specif., ☆ a) a performance or interpretation (of a piece of music, a role, etc.) b) a translation… …   English World dictionary

  • rendition — n. 1) to give a rendition 2) a letter perfect (AE), word perfect (BE) rendition * * * [ren dɪʃ(ə)n] word perfect (BE) rendition to give a rendition a letter perfect (AE) …   Combinatory dictionary

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