render the accounts
Смотреть что такое "render the accounts" в других словарях:
render — ren‧der [ˈrendə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] formal 1. to cause something to change in a particular way: • He was denied building permission for his property, effectively rendering it worthless. • In some cases, companies were rendered insolvent when… … Financial and business terms
Render unto Caesar... — Render unto Caesar… is the beginning of a phrase attributed to Jesus in the synoptic gospels which reads in full, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (“ Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ … Wikipedia
The Bollandists — The Bollandists † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Bollandists An association of ecclesiastical scholars engaged in editing the Acta Sanctorum. This work is a great hagiographical collection begun during the first years of the seventeenth… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Age of Reason — The Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology , a deistic treatise written by eighteenth century British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine, critiques institutionalized religion and challenges the inerrancy… … Wikipedia
The Vatican as a Scientific Institute — The Vatican Palace, as a Scientific Institute † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican Palace, as a Scientific Institute Regarded from the point of view of scientific productivity, the Vatican is the busiest scientific workshop in Rome.… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Wealth of Nations — An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith. It is a clearly written account of economics at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, as well as a rhetorical piece written… … Wikipedia
The Disasters of War — Plate 3: Lo mismo (The same). A man about to cut off the head of a soldier with an axe.[1] … Wikipedia
The Carmelite Order — The Carmelite Order † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Carmelite Order One of the mendicant orders. Origin The date of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been under discussion from the fourteenth century to … Catholic encyclopedia
The Gulag Archipelago — ( ru. Архипелаг ГУЛАГ) is a book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn based on the Soviet forced labor and concentration camp system. The three volume book is a massive narrative relying on eyewitness testimony and primary research material, as well as the… … Wikipedia
Mythology in the Low Countries — The folklore of the Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg[1]) has its roots in the mythologies of pre Christian Gaulish (Gallo Roman) and Germanic cultures, predating the region s Christianization by the Franks in the Early Middle… … Wikipedia
Mythology of the Low Countries — The folklore of the Low Countries (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg [Meijer, 1971.] ) has its roots in the mythologies of pre Christian Gaulish (Gallo Roman) and Germanic cultures, predating the region s Christianization by the Franks… … Wikipedia