
переименование, изменение имени Переименование renaming вчт. изменение имени ~ вчт. переименование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "renaming" в других словарях:

  • Renaming of cities in India — The Renaming of cities in India started after the end of the British imperial period in 1947 and continues to date. There were political controversies about several renamings. Not all proposed renamings were actually implemented. Every renaming… …   Wikipedia

  • Renaming of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall — The renaming of the Chiang Kai shek Memorial Hall in Taipei to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall (zh t|t=國立台灣民主紀念館, zh s|s=国立台湾民主纪念馆) [ [ 民主紀念館揭牌 總統:大中至正改自由廣場] , Central News Agency …   Wikipedia

  • renaming — noun An act in which something is renamed …   Wiktionary

  • renaming — re·name || ‚rɪː neɪm v. provide a new name, call by a new name; relabel, retitle …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Renaming of Turkmen months and days of week, 2002 — On August 10, 2002, the government of Turkmenistan adopted a law to rename all the months and most of the days of week. The names were chosen according to Turkmen national symbols, as described in Ruhnama, a book written by Saparmurat Niyazov,… …   Wikipedia

  • Register renaming — In computer engineering, register renaming refers to a technique usedto avoid unnecessary serialization of program operations imposed by the reuseof registers by those operations.Problem definitionPrograms are composed of instructions which… …   Wikipedia

  • Batch renaming — is the process of renaming multiple computer files and folders in an automated fashion, to save time and reduce the amount of work involved. Some sort of software is required to do this. Such software can be more or less advanced, but most have… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Renaming — The Great Renaming was a restructuring of Usenet newsgroups that took place in 1987. B News maintainer and UUNET founder Rick Adams is generally considered to be the initiator of the Renaming.MotivationThe primary reason was said to be the… …   Wikipedia

  • Geographical renaming — is the changing of the name of a geographical feature or area. This can range from the uncontroversial change of a street name to a highly disputed change to the name of a country. Some names are changed locally but the new names are not… …   Wikipedia

  • Register Renaming — Registerumbenennung (engl. Register Renaming) bezeichnet eine Phase der Befehlsverarbeitung, die hauptsächlich in superskalaren Mikroprozessoren zum Einsatz kommt. Üblicherweise findet in der Dekodierstufe (ID) während der Dekodierung einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Register renaming — Registerumbenennung (engl. Register Renaming) bezeichnet eine Phase der Befehlsverarbeitung, die hauptsächlich in superskalaren Mikroprozessoren zum Einsatz kommt. Üblicherweise findet in der Dekodierstufe (ID) während der Dekodierung einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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