- remontant
- rɪˈmɔntənt прил.;
бот. ремонтантный (ботаника) ремонтантная роза (ботаника) ремонтантный remontant бот. ремонтантный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
remontant — remontant, ante [ r(ə)mɔ̃tɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. m. • 1680; de remonter 1 ♦ Hortic. Qui redonne des feuilles, des fleurs, des fruits après la période de floraison normale. Rosier, fraisier remontant. 2 ♦ (1904) Cour. Qui remonte (II, 6o), redonne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
remontant — REMONTÁNT, Ă, remontanţi, te, adj. Care întăreşte, înviorează. ♦ (Despre plante) Care înfloreşte de mai multe ori în perioada de vegetaţie. – Din fr. remontant. Trimis de dante, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 remontánt adj. m. montant Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Remontant — Rose Züchter Lartay, Frankreich 1860 Gruppe Remontant Rose Liste der Rosensorten Remontant ist die französische Bezeichnung für: später in der Sa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Remontant — Re*mon tant ( tant), a.[F.] (Hort.) Rising again; applied to a class of roses which bloom more than once in a season; the hybrid perpetual roses, of which the Jacqueminot is a well known example. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
remontant — remontant, ante (re mon tan, tan t ) adj. Terme d horticulture. Qui repousse à l arrière saison, qui redonne des fleurs, des fruits. Rosiers remontants. Framboisiers remontants … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
remontant — re|mon|tạnt 〈a. [ mɔ̃ ] Adj.〉 wiederkehrend, zum zweiten Mal blühend [frz., „zweimal (jährlich) blühend“; → remontieren] * * * re|mon|tạnt [auch: remõ tant ] <Adj.> [frz. remontant, zu: remonter = aufsteigen] (Bot.): (nach der… … Universal-Lexikon
remontant — /ri mon teuhnt/, adj. 1. (of certain roses) blooming more than once in a season. n. 2. a remontant rose. [1880 85; < F, prp. of remonter to REMOUNT] * * * … Universalium
remontant — re|mon|tant [auch ...mõ...] <aus gleichbed. fr. remontant zu remonter, vgl. ↑remontieren> wieder, erneut blühend (nach der Hauptblüte; Bot.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
remontant — re•mon•tant [[t]rɪˈmɒn tənt[/t]] adj. 1) bot (of certain roses) blooming more than once in a season 2) pln a remontant rose • Etymology: 1880–85; < F, prp. of remonter to remount … From formal English to slang
remontant — /rəˈmɒntənt/ (say ruh montuhnt) adjective 1. (of certain roses) blooming more than once in a season. –noun 2. a remontant rose. {French, present participle of remonter remount} …
remontant — adj. & n. adj. blooming more than once a year. n. a remontant rose. Etymology: F f. remonter REMOUNT … Useful english dictionary