- remanent field
1. остаточное поле
2. остаточный магнетизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
remanent field — liekamasis laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. remanent field; residual field vok. Restfeld, n rus. остаточное поле, n pranc. champ rémanent, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
remanent magnetism — Geol. magnetization in minerals induced by a former magnetic field and persisting after the field changes. Cf. paleomagnetism. [1865 70] * * * ▪ rocks also called Paleomagnetism, or Palaeomagnetism, the permanent magnetism in rocks,… … Universalium
remanent — [ rɛmənənt] adjective (of magnetism) remaining after the magnetizing field has been removed. Derivatives remanence noun Origin ME: from L. remanent , remanere remain … English new terms dictionary
remanent magnetism — noun : residual magnetism * * * Geol. magnetization in minerals induced by a former magnetic field and persisting after the field changes. Cf. paleomagnetism. [1865 70] … Useful english dictionary
remanent — adj. 1 remaining, residual. 2 (of magnetism) remaining after the magnetizing field has been removed. Derivatives: remanence n. Etymology: ME f. L remanere REMAIN … Useful english dictionary
champ rémanent — liekamasis laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. remanent field; residual field vok. Restfeld, n rus. остаточное поле, n pranc. champ rémanent, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
residual field — liekamasis laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. remanent field; residual field vok. Restfeld, n rus. остаточное поле, n pranc. champ rémanent, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Natural remanent magnetization — (NRM) is the permanent magnetism of a rock or sediment. In some forms, it can preserve a record of the Earth s field and the tectonic movement of the rock over millions of years. Natural remanent magnetization forms the basis of paleomagnetism… … Wikipedia
Earth's magnetic field — Computer simulation of the Earth s field in a normal period between reversals.[1] The tubes represent magnetic field lines, blue when the field points towards the center and yellow when away. The rotation axis of the Earth is centered and… … Wikipedia
Natural Remanent Magnetization — (Abbreviated NRM) is the permanent magnetism of a rock. The NRM is frozen into the rock. It does not change with other location.The NRM is stripped away in a stepwise manner using thermal or alternating field demagnetization techniques to reveal… … Wikipedia
geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… … Universalium