relieve one's feelings
Смотреть что такое "relieve one's feelings" в других словарях:
relieve — 1 bring or provide aid or assistance to. 2 alleviate or reduce (pain, suffering, etc.). 3 mitigate the tedium or monotony of. 4 bring military support for (a besieged place). 5 release (a person) from a duty by acting as or providing a… … Useful english dictionary
get off one's chest — Relieve one s feelings or mind by making a statement … A concise dictionary of English slang
chest, get something off one's — Say something to relieve one s feelings … A concise dictionary of English slang
Lena Levine — Lena ( Lee ) Levine (May 17, 1903 – January 9, 1965) was an American psychiatrist and gynecologist. She was a pioneering figure in the development of both marriage counseling and birth control. She was a close colleague of Margaret Sanger. Lena… … Wikipedia
Meaning of life — This article is about the philosophical concept. For other uses, see Meaning of life (disambiguation). Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? One of Post Impressionist Paul Gauguin s most famous paintings. The meaning of life… … Wikipedia
Organizational conflict — is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and… … Wikipedia
Conflict resolution — Psychology … Wikipedia
Hegelians (The Young), Feuerbach, and Marx — The Young Hegelians, Feuerbach, and Marx Robert Nola Largely through lectures delivered at the University of Berlin, Hegel built up a circle of followers, mainly contemporaries or pupils, who were intent on working out aspects of the… … History of philosophy
Conflict management — involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects of conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher than where the conflict is taking place. Furthermore, the aim of conflict management is to… … Wikipedia
conscience — n. 1 a moral sense of right and wrong esp. as felt by a person and affecting behaviour (my conscience won t allow me to do that). 2 an inner feeling as to the goodness or otherwise of one s behaviour (my conscience is clear; has a guilty… … Useful english dictionary
steam — n. & v. n. 1 a the gas into which water is changed by boiling, used as a source of power by virtue of its expansion of volume. b a mist of liquid particles of water produced by the condensation of this gas. 2 any similar vapour. 3 a energy or… … Useful english dictionary