release line
Смотреть что такое "release line" в других словарях:
bomb release line — bombardavimo linija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Įsivaizduojama linija aplink ginamą vietovę ar objektą, virš kurios orlaivis turi numesti bombą, kad pataikytų į vietovę ar objektą. atitikmenys: angl. bomb release line pranc. ligne de… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
bomb release line — An imaginary line around a defended area or objective over which an aircraft should release its bomb in order to obtain a hit or hits on an area or objective … Military dictionary
bomb release line — noun : the point on the ground ahead of the target over which an aircraft must release its bombs to get a hit on the target … Useful english dictionary
missile release line — The line at which an attacking aircraft could launch an air to surface missile against a specific target … Military dictionary
Line Mode Browser — displaying the German Wikipedia Original author(s) … Wikipedia
Line Mode Browser — Wikipedia im Line Mode Browser Basisdaten Entwickler W3C / CERN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Release engineering — Release engineering, frequently abbreviated as releng , is a sub discipline in software engineering concerned with the compilation, assembly, and delivery of source code into finished products or other software components. An associated term is… … Wikipedia
Release (agency) — Release, founded in 1967 by Caroline Coon and Rufus Harris, is a UK agency that provides legal advice and arrange legal representation for young people charged with the possession of drugs.cite web|url= … Wikipedia
Line sitting — is a term applied to somebody who sits in line, on the pavement, for personal gain. It often involves waiting for the release of a movie, games console, or monetary gain through being paid to hold a space for someone else.It has been widely… … Wikipedia
Release (Law & Order episode) — Release is the 379th episode of NBC s legal drama Law Order, and the 8th episode of 17th season.PlotThe friend of a producer of a line of videos (akin to Girls Gone Wild ) is found dead on the video company s bus outside a party. A security video … Wikipedia
Line 47 — Biography Since 1994 Scott Weber has been creating music. Beginning in an experimental noise/post rock band, Mrs. Frisbee, in which he was the percussionist. While in this band Scott developed as a musician and began to create solo noise projects … Wikipedia