- release from debt
- освобождение от уплаты долга
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
release from debt — index satisfaction (discharge of debt) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
release — re·lease 1 vt re·leased, re·leas·ing 1 a: to relieve or free from obligation, liability, or responsibility the debtor is released from all dischargeable debts b: to give up (a claim, title, or right) to the benefit of another person: surrender … Law dictionary
Debt relief — is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. From antiquity through the 19th century, it refers to domestic debts, in particular agricultural debts and… … Wikipedia
Release — Re*lease , n. 1. The act of letting loose or freeing, or the state of being let loose or freed; liberation or discharge from restraint of any kind, as from confinement or bondage. Who boast st release from hell. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Relief… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
release — I To discharge a claim one has against another, as for example in a tort case the plaintiff may discharge the liability of the defendant in return for a cash settlement. To lease again or grant new lease. See accord and satisfaction II A writing… … Black's law dictionary
release — releasability, n. releasable, releasible, adj. /ri lees /, v., released, releasing, n. v.t. 1. to free from confinement, bondage, obligation, pain, etc.; let go: to release a prisoner; to release someone from a debt. 2. to free from anything that … Universalium
release — /rɪ li:s/ noun 1. the act of setting someone free or of making something or someone no longer subject to an obligation or restriction ● release from a contract ● the release of goods from customs ● He was offered early release so that he could… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Debt settlement — Debt settlement, also known as debt arbitration, debt negotiation or credit settlement, is an approach to debt reduction in which the debtor and creditor agree on a reduced balance that will be regarded as payment in full.[1] Debt settlement is… … Wikipedia
Debt Conciliation Board — Debt Conciliation Board, Govt. of Haryana कर्ज निपटान बोर्ड, हरियाणा सरकार Official logo of Revenue Department, Haryana Agency overview Formed 28 January 2007 Jurisdiction … Wikipedia
Debt levels and flows — Public debt as a percent of GDP (2010) … Wikipedia
Debt service coverage ratio — The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), also known as debt coverage ratio, is the ratio of cash available for debt servicing to interest, principal and lease payments. It is a popular benchmark used in the measurement of an entity s (person or… … Wikipedia