- relative variation
- мат. относительное изменение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
VARIATION (biologie) — Il n’est pas dans le monde vivant deux individus qui, pour peu qu’on les observe avec une attention suffisante, soient rigoureusement identiques. Le monde vivant est donc remarquable par la variabilité des êtres qui le composent. C’est la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Variation — means a change within population* Biodiversity * Genetic diversity, differences within a speciesPhysics: * Magnetic variation, difference between magnetic north and true north, measured as an angle * Variation (astronomy), any perturbation of the … Wikipedia
Relative wind — in aeronautics= In aeronautics, the relative wind is the direction of airflow over the airfoil, i.e. in vector terms it is the vector sum of the ambient air past the aircraft: Most usefully, it is the direction of the air over the aircraft s… … Wikipedia
variation — [ver΄ē ā′shən, var΄ē ā′shən] n. [ME variacion < OFr < L variatio] 1. a) the act, fact, or process of varying; change or deviation in form, condition, appearance, extent, etc. from a former or usual state, or from an assumed standard b) the… … English World dictionary
Relative Strength Index — The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a technical indicator used in the technical analysis of financial markets. It is intended to chart the current and historical strength or weakness of a stock or market based on the closing prices of a recent… … Wikipedia
Relative strength index — The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a financial technical analysis oscillator showing price strength by comparing upward and downward close to close movements.The RSI is popular because it is relatively easy to interpret. It was developed by J.… … Wikipedia
Relative standard deviation — In probability theory and statistics, the relative standard deviation (RSD or %RSD) is the absolute value of the coefficient of variation expressed as a percentage. It is widely used in analytical chemistry to express the precision of an assay.:… … Wikipedia
Relative Präzision — Während ordinale Insolvenzprognosen lediglich eine Reihung von Unternehmen entsprechend den erwarteten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten vornehmen, ordnen kardinale Insolvenzprognosen jedem Unternehmen explizit eine Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit zu.[1]… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Variation de la pression et de la température atmosphériques avec l'altitude — Atmosphère normalisée Pour les articles homonymes, voir condition. L atmosphère normalisée définit des « conditions normales de température et de pression » (CNTP) qui permettent de s affranchir des variations de ces deux paramètres… … Wikipédia en Français
Vitesse relative — L expression vitesse relative est communément utilisée, pour exprimer la différence des vitesses de deux mobiles ou la variation dans le temps de la distance entre deux mobiles. Elle est aussi employée pour exprimer des variations comparées par… … Wikipédia en Français
Human genetic variation — is the natural variation in gene frequencies observed between the genomes of individuals or groups of humans. Variation can be measured at both the individual level (differences between individual people) and at the population level, i.e.… … Wikipedia