relative risk
Смотреть что такое "relative risk" в других словарях:
Relative risk — In statistics and mathematical epidemiology, relative risk (RR) is the risk of an event (or of developing a disease) relative to exposure. Relative risk is a ratio of the probability of the event occurring in the exposed group versus a non… … Wikipedia
relative risk — santykinė rizika statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis ↑Naujų atvejų dažnumų ar ↑rizikų tarp ↑rizikos veiksnio veikiamų ir neveikiamų asmenų santykis. Santykinė rizika apibūdina ↑ryšio tarp rizikos veiksnio ir ligos stiprumą.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
relative risk ratio — relative risk … Medical dictionary
Relative risk reduction — The relative risk reduction is a measure used in epidemiology. It is calculated by dividing the absolute risk reduction by the control event rate. [cite journal |author=Barratt A, Wyer P, Hatala R, McGinn T, Dans A, Keitz S, Moyer V, For G |title … Wikipedia
relative risk — for a disease, death, or other outcome, the ratio of the incidence rate among individuals with a given risk factor to the incidence rate among those without it … Medical dictionary
risk ratio — relative risk … Medical dictionary
Risk aversion — is a concept in psychology, economics, and finance, based on the behavior of humans (especially consumers and investors) while exposed to uncertainty. Risk aversion is the reluctance of a person to accept a bargain with an uncertain payoff rather … Wikipedia
Risk factors for breast cancer — Risk factors of breast cancer may be divided into preventable and non preventable. Their study belongs in the field of epidemiology. Breast cancer, like other forms of cancer, is considered to result from multiple environmental and hereditary… … Wikipedia
Relative — can refer to: *Kinship, the principle binding the most basic social units society. If two people are connected by circumstances of birth, they are said to be relatives Physics*Relativity as a concept in physics (for example Albert Einstein s… … Wikipedia
Relative Risikoreduktion — Relative und absolute Risikoreduktion sind Maße um die Wirksamkeit einer (neuen) Therapie im Vergleich zu einer anderen Therapie zu beschreiben. Sie beziehen sich auf die Änderung des Relativen Risikos bzw. des Absoluten Risikos.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Relative und absolute Risikoreduktion — sind Maße um die Wirksamkeit einer (neuen) Therapie im Vergleich zu einer anderen Therapie zu beschreiben. Sie beziehen sich auf die Änderung des Relativen Risikos bzw. des Absoluten Risikos. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Relative Risikoreduktion 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia