relative pronoun
Смотреть что такое "relative pronoun" в других словарях:
relative pronoun — n technical a ↑pronoun such as who , which , or that by which a relative clause is connected to the rest of the sentence … Dictionary of contemporary English
relative pronoun — noun count LINGUISTICS a pronoun such as who, that, or which that introduces a RELATIVE CLAUSE in a sentence … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
relative pronoun — relative pronouns N COUNT A relative pronoun is a word such as who , that , or which that is used to introduce a relative clause. Whose , when , where , and why are generally called relative pronouns, though they are actually adverbs … English dictionary
Relative pronoun — A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates to the word that it modifies.A relative pronoun links two clauses into a single complex clause. To this… … Wikipedia
relative pronoun — noun a pronoun (as that or which or who ) that introduces a relative clause referring to some antecedent • Hypernyms: ↑pronoun * * * noun 1. : a pronoun (as who, which, that) that introduces a clause modifying an antecedent (as in the man who… … Useful english dictionary
relative pronoun — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms relative pronoun : singular relative pronoun plural relative pronouns linguistics a pronoun such as who , that , or which that introduces a relative clause in a sentence … English dictionary
relative pronoun — one of the pronouns who, whom, which, what, their compounds with ever or soever, or that used as the subordinating word to introduce a subordinate clause, esp. such a pronoun referring to an antecedent. Cf. definite relative pronoun, indefinite… … Universalium
relative pronoun — noun A pronoun that introduces a relative clause and refers to an antecedent. The interrogative pronouns can be used as relative pronouns: what, which, who, whom, and whose … Wiktionary
relative pronoun — /rɛlətɪv ˈproʊnaʊn/ (say reluhtiv prohnown) noun a pronoun with a relative function. See relative (def. 8a) …
relative pronoun — noun (C) technical a pronoun such as who , which , or that by which a relative clause is connected to the rest of the sentence … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ˌrelative ˈpronoun — noun [C] linguistics a pronoun such as ‘who , ‘that , or ‘which that introduces a RELATIVE CLAUSE … Dictionary for writing and speaking English