relative gravity

relative gravity
относительная тяжесть

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "relative gravity" в других словарях:

  • Relative density — Relative density, sometimes called specific density, is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given reference material. If a substance s relative density is less than one then it is less dense than the reference; if greater… …   Wikipedia

  • Relative wind — in aeronautics= In aeronautics, the relative wind is the direction of airflow over the airfoil, i.e. in vector terms it is the vector sum of the ambient air past the aircraft: Most usefully, it is the direction of the air over the aircraft s… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity assist — In orbital mechanics and aerospace engineering, a gravitational slingshot, gravity assist or swing by is the use of the relative movement and gravity of a planet or other celestial body to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically in… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity model of trade — The gravity model of trade in international economics, similar to other gravity models in social science, predicts bilateral trade flows based on the economic sizes of (often using GDP measurements) and distance between two units. The model was… …   Wikipedia

  • Relative direction — A right handed Cartesian coordinate system, illustrating the x (right left), y (forward backward) and z (up down) axes relative to a human being. The most common relative directions are left, right …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity (alcoholic beverage) — A floating hydrometer in use to test the specific gravity of beer Gravity, in the context of fermenting alcoholic beverages, refers to the specific gravity, or relative density compared to water, of the wort or must at various stages in the… …   Wikipedia

  • relative density — noun the ratio of the density of something to the density of a standard • Hypernyms: ↑density, ↑denseness • Hyponyms: ↑specific gravity, ↑vapor density, ↑vapour density * * * ˌrelative ˈdensity 7 [relative dens …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gravity train — [ free falls through a section of the planet to arrive at a destination on the other side.] A gravity train is a theoretical means of transportation intended to go between two points on the surface of a sphere, following a straight tunnel that… …   Wikipedia

  • gravity, centre of — Imaginary point where the total weight of a material body may be thought to be concentrated. Since weight and mass are proportional, the same point may also be called the centre of mass, but the centre of mass does not require a gravitational… …   Universalium

  • gravity fault — Fault Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.] 1. Defect; want; lack; default. [1913 Webster] One, it pleases me, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gravity-Assist — Der englische Begriff Swing by – auch Fly by, Slingshot, Gravity Assist (GA), Schwerkraftumlenkung oder Gravitationsmanöver genannt – bezeichnet eine Methode der interplanetaren Raumfahrt, bei der ein relativ leichter Raumflugkörper (wie z. B.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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