relation of isomorphism

relation of isomorphism
мат. соотношение изоморфизма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "relation of isomorphism" в других словарях:

  • Isomorphism — In abstract algebra, an isomorphism (Greek: ἴσος isos equal , and μορφή morphe shape ) is a bijective map f such that both f and its inverse f −1 are homomorphisms, i.e., structure preserving mappings.In the more general setting of category… …   Wikipedia

  • Isomorphism theorem — In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, the isomorphism theorems are three theorems that describe the relationship between quotients, homomorphisms, and subobjects. Versions of the theorems exist for groups, rings, vector spaces, modules,… …   Wikipedia

  • Isomorphism of categories — In category theory, two categories C and D are isomorphic if there exist functors F : C rarr; D and G : D rarr; C which are mutually inverse to each other, i.e. FG = 1 D (the identity functor on D ) and GF = 1 C . This means that both the objects …   Wikipedia

  • isomorphism — /uy seuh mawr fiz euhm/, n. 1. the state or property of being isomorphous or isomorphic. 2. Math. a one to one relation onto the map between two sets, which preserves the relations existing between elements in its domain. [1820 30; ISOMORPH(OUS)… …   Universalium

  • isomorphism — i•so•mor•phism [[t]ˌaɪ səˈmɔr fɪz əm[/t]] n. 1) bio chem. cry the state or property of being isomorphous or isomorphic 2) math. Math. a one to one relation onto the map between two sets, which preserves the relations existing between elements in… …   From formal English to slang

  • Graph isomorphism — In graph theory, an isomorphism of graphs G and H is a bijection between the vertex sets of G and H such that any two vertices u and v of G are adjacent in G if and only if ƒ(u) and ƒ(v) are adjacent in H. This kind of bijection is commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • Group isomorphism — In abstract algebra, a group isomorphism is a function between two groups that sets up a one to one correspondence between the elements of the groups in a way that respects the given group operations. If there exists an isomorphism between two… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalence relation — In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation between two elements of a set which groups them together as being equivalent in some way. Let a , b , and c be arbitrary elements of some set X . Then a b or a ≡ b denotes that a is… …   Wikipedia

  • Musical isomorphism — In mathematics, the musical isomorphism (or canonical isomorphism) is an isomorphism between the tangent bundle TM and the cotangent bundle T*M of a Riemannian manifold given by its metric. There are similar isomorphisms on symplectic manifolds.… …   Wikipedia

  • Congruence relation — See congruence (geometry) for the term as used in elementary geometry. In abstract algebra, a congruence relation (or simply congruence) is an equivalence relation on an algebraic structure (such as a group, ring, or vector space) that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Equality (mathematics) — Loosely, equality is the state of being quantitatively the same. More formally, equality (or the identity relation) is the binary relation on a set X defined by . The identity relation is the archetype of the more general concept of an… …   Wikipedia

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