- rejection of a claim
- отклонение претензии/требования
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
rejection of claim — n. in probate law (administration of an estate of a person who died), a claim for a debt of the deceased denied (rejected) in total or in part by the executor or administrator of the estate. A claim is rejected in writing filed with the court … Law dictionary
rejection — re·jec·tion /ri jek shən/ n: the act or an instance of rejecting: as a: a refusal to accept an offer b: a refusal to accept nonconforming goods as performance of a contract ◇ Rejection and revocation are two remedies available to the buyer under… … Law dictionary
rejection — The repudiation by the debtor (or trustee) of a prepetition executory contract. Rejection relieves the estate of any performance obligations leaving the other party to the contract with a prepetition unsecured claim for damages (SA… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
rejection of claim — The disallowance of a claim … Ballentine's law dictionary
List of patent claim types — This is a list of special types of claims that may be found in a patent or patent application. For explanations about independent and dependent claims and about the different categories of claims, i.e. product or apparatus claims (claims… … Wikipedia
dis|claim|er — «dihs KLAY muhr», noun. 1. the act of disclaiming; denial; rejection. 2. a person who disclaims. 3. a) a statement denying responsibility for some act or condition. b) a clause in an agreement relieving one party of responsibility for carrying… … Useful english dictionary
Criticism of atheism — Part of a series on Atheism … Wikipedia
denial — de·ni·al /di nī əl/ n 1: refusal to grant or allow something denial of due process denial of a motion 2 a: an assertion that an allegation is false b: a defense asserting that an opposing party s allegations are false compare … Law dictionary
SPINOZA, BARUCH (Bento, Benedictus) DE — (1632–1677), philosopher born in Amsterdam of Portuguese background, who became one of the most important representatives of the rationalist movement in the early modern period. Introduction In the Jewish and National Library in Jerusalem,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
The Incarnation — The Incarnation † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Incarnation I. The Fact of the Incarnation (1) The Divine Person of Jesus Christ A. Old Testament Proofs B. New Testament Proofs C. Witness of Tradition (2) The Human… … Catholic encyclopedia
Nicht-Theismus — Das Wort „Atheismus“ bezeichnet meistens den Glauben, dass Gott nicht existiert, oder dass es allgemein keine Götter gibt. Es finden sich aber großzügigere Definitionen, die den Atheismus nicht mit einer Existenzverneinung gleichsetzen. So wird… … Deutsch Wikipedia