reimbursement for
Смотреть что такое "reimbursement for" в других словарях:
reimbursement — [[t]ri͟ːɪmbɜ͟ː(r)smənt[/t]] reimbursements N VAR If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else. [FORMAL] She is demanding reimbursement for … English dictionary
reimbursement — noun compensation paid (to someone) for damages or losses or money already spent etc. (Freq. 1) he received reimbursement for his travel expenses • Derivationally related forms: ↑reimburse • Hypernyms: ↑compensation • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
reimbursement — n. reimbursement for * * * [ˌriːɪm bɜːsmənt] reimbursementfor … Combinatory dictionary
Reimbursement — is the act of compensating someone for an expense. Often, a person is reimbursed for expenses when the person incurs those expenses through employment or in carrying out duties for another party. Common examples are firms compensating individuals … Wikipedia
reimbursement — Payment made to someone for out of pocket expenses has incurred. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * reimburse re‧im‧burse [ˌriːɪmˈbɜːs ǁ ɜːrs] verb [transitive] formal FINANCE to pay money back to someone that they have spent because of their… … Financial and business terms
Reimbursement Plan — A generic term for several types of plans that reimburse employees for various types of work related expenses. These expenses can include medical, auto, travel, meal and entertainment costs. Reimbursement plans are instituted by employers in… … Investment dictionary
For Nursing, New Responsibilities, New Respect — ▪ 1997 by Margretta Madden Styles In remote villages around the world whether in southern Africa, Latin America, or southwestern Asia the community s mobilizer for health, sanitation, and housing services may well be a nurse. In the rural… … Universalium
Reimbursement — An ISO term. instructions and/or any other information concerning reimbursement of the transaction. ISO Standard Telex Formats term. [/34x] 4*35x. ISO Funds Transfer Messages term. An arrangement by which a party is repaid for payments made … International financial encyclopaedia
Reimbursement account identification — An ISO term. The identification of the account relationship between the sender and the receiver which is to be used as the source of the funds for reimbursement. 35x … International financial encyclopaedia
reimbursement — re·im burse·ment || ‚rɪËɪm bÉœrsmÉ™nt / bÉœËs n. act of paying back, repayment; compensation for a loss, repayment for an expense … English contemporary dictionary
reimbursement — noun /ˌriː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/ The act of compensating someone for an expense … Wiktionary