- regulating station
1) ж.-д. распорядительная станция;
2) воен. главный пункт регулировани
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
regulating station — A command agency established to control all movements of personnel and supplies into or out of a given area … Military dictionary
regulating station — noun : a military command agency that controls all movements of personnel and supplies into and out of a given area … Useful english dictionary
Fossil-fuel power station — A working coal plant in Rochester, Minnesota The St. Clair Power Plant, a large coal fired ge … Wikipedia
Charging station — Level 2 charging station for the Nissan Leaf … Wikipedia
Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station — Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station … Wikipedia
Temelín Nuclear Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture = Temelin Nuclear Power Station.jpg Country = Czech Republic Utility = ČEZ, a. s. Built = 1981 Start = June 10, 2002 End = Reactor = 2 Reactor MW = 1,805 S Reactor = El Prod = 11,377 for year = 2006 El Prod avg = 8,884 Net… … Wikipedia
Bermuda Biological Station for Research — The Bermuda Biological Station for Research (BBSR) is an independent non profit science and education center located in Ferry Reach, St. George, Bermuda. The Station, founded in 1932, hosts a full time faculty of oceanographers, biologists, and… … Wikipedia
USS Caliente (AO-53) — The USS Caliente (AO 53) was a sclass|Cimarron|fleet oiler built during World War II for the U.S. Navy. During her career in the Pacific Ocean, Caliente participated in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. She was highly decorated… … Wikipedia
Brehon B. Somervell — Infobox Military Person name=Brehon Burke Somervell born= birth date|1892|5|9 died= death date and age|1955|2|13|1892|5|9 placeofbirth=Little Rock, Arkansas placeofdeath=Ocala, Florida caption= nickname=Bill allegiance= United States of America… … Wikipedia
ПУНКТ ГАЗОРЕГУЛЯТОРНЫЙ — комплекс устройств для автоматического снижения и поддержания постоянного давления газа в распределительных газопроводах, а также в газопроводах промышленных, коммунальных и др. предприятий (Болгарский язык; Български) газорегулаторен пункт… … Строительный словарь
газорегулирующая станция — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN gas regulating station … Справочник технического переводчика