regular guest

regular guest
постоянный клиент (напр., гостиницы)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regular guest" в других словарях:

  • regular guest at — frequent visitor at …   English contemporary dictionary

  • guest — n. 1) to have guests (for dinner) 2) an invited; unexpected; unwelcome; wedding; weekend; welcome guest 3) a regular guest (at a hotel) * * * [gest] unexpected unwelcome wedding weekend welcome guest an invited a regular gues …   Combinatory dictionary

  • guest — guest1 [ gest ] noun count *** 1. ) someone you have invited to your home, for a party or a meal, or to stay the night: We ve got guests staying this weekend. tips for getting rid of unwanted guests welcome/greet/receive a guest: The President… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • guest — I UK [ɡest] / US noun [countable] Word forms guest : singular guest plural guests *** 1) someone who you have invited to your home, for a party or a meal, or to stay the night tips for getting rid of unwanted guests We ve got guests staying this… …   English dictionary

  • Guest House (TV series) — Guest House (Urdu script: گیسٹ ہاؤس) is a Pakistani comedy drama series which was produced and run by PTV in early to middle 1990s. The setting is a fictional guest house named Welcome Guest House located in a posh area of Islamabad. It is run by …   Wikipedia

  • guest beer — noun A beer which is on sale for a limited period in a public house, in addition to its regular beers • • • Main Entry: ↑guest * * * guest beer UK US noun [countable] [singular guest beer plural …   Useful english dictionary

  • guest star — guest actor, actor that is not a part of the regular team of actors …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Guest host — Not to be confused with Guest presenter. A guest host is a host, usually of a talk show, that substitutes for the regular host.This phrase was popularized on The Tonight Show during Johnny Carson s 30 year reign as host from 1962 to 1992. Toward… …   Wikipedia

  • guest — guestless, adj. /gest/, n. 1. a person who spends some time at another person s home in some social activity, as a visit, dinner, or party. 2. a person who receives the hospitality of a club, a city, or the like. 3. a person who patronizes a… …   Universalium

  • guest — [[t]gɛst[/t]] n. 1) a person who spends some time at another s home in a social activity, as a visit or party 2) a person who receives the hospitality of a club, a city, or the like 3) a person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc., for what… …   From formal English to slang

  • Guest appearance — In show business (music, TV shows, etc.), a guest appearance is a participation of an outsider performer (musician, actor, etc.), usually called guest artist (guest dancer, guest violinist, etc.), in an event (music record, concert, show, etc.),… …   Wikipedia

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