regular divisor

regular divisor
мат. регулярный дивизор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regular divisor" в других словарях:

  • Divisor function — σ0(n) up to n = 250 Sigma function σ …   Wikipedia

  • Divisor de cero — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En álgebra abstracta, un elemento no nulo a de un anillo A es un divisor de cero por la izquierda si existe un elemento no nulo b tal que ab = 0. Los divisores de cero por la derecha se definen análogamente. Un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Regular element — may refer to: * In ring theory, a nonzero element of a ring that is neither a left nor a right zero divisor * A regular element of a Lie algebra …   Wikipedia

  • Divisor (algebraic geometry) — In algebraic geometry, divisors are a generalization of codimension one subvarieties of algebraic varieties; two different generalizations are in common use, Cartier divisors and Weil divisors (named for Pierre Cartier and André Weil). These… …   Wikipedia

  • Divisor — Der Begriff des Divisors spielt in der Algebraischen Geometrie und der Komplexen Analysis eine wichtige Rolle bei der Untersuchung Algebraischer Varietäten bzw. Komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten und der darauf definierten Funktionen. Unterschieden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Divisor — divisible redirects here. For divisibility of groups, see Divisible group. For the second operand of a division, see Division (mathematics). For divisors in algebraic geometry, see Divisor (algebraic geometry). For divisibility in the ring theory …   Wikipedia

  • Regular number — The numbers that evenly divide the powers of 60 arise in several areas of mathematics and its applications, and have different names coming from these different areas of study. As an example, 602 = 3600 = 48 times; 75, so both 48 and 75 are… …   Wikipedia

  • Divisor de cero — En álgebra abstracta, un elemento no nulo a de un anillo A es un divisor de cero por la izquierda si existe un elemento no nulo b tal que ab = 0. Los divisores de cero por la derecha se definen análogamente. Un elemento que es tanto un divisor de …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Regular chain — In computer algebra, a regular chain is a particular kind of triangular set in a multivariate polynomial ring over a field. It enhances the notion of characteristic set. Introduction Given a linear system, one can convert it to a triangular… …   Wikipedia

  • Exceptional divisor — In mathematics, specifically algebraic geometry, an exceptional divisor for a regular map f: X ightarrow Y of varieties is a kind of large subvariety of X which is crushed by f, in a certain definite sense.More precisely, suppose that f: X… …   Wikipedia

  • Harmonic divisor number — This article is about harmonic divisor numbers. For meanings of harmonic number, see harmonic number (disambiguation). In mathematics, a harmonic divisor number, or Ore number (named after Øystein Ore who defined it in 1948), is a positive… …   Wikipedia

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