regular condition

regular condition
мат. регулярное условие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regular condition" в других словарях:

  • Regular conditional probability — is a concept that has developed to overcome certain difficulties in formally defining conditional probabilities for continuous probability distributions. It is defined as an alternative probability measure conditioned on a particular value of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Regular space — In topology and related fields of mathematics, regular spaces and T3 spaces are particularly convenient kinds of topological spaces.Both conditions are examples of separation axioms. Definitions Suppose that X is a topological space. X is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Regular Expression — Expression rationnelle Pour les articles homonymes, voir régulier et rationnel. Une expression rationnelle ou expression régulière[1] est en informatique une chaîne de caractères que l’on appelle parfois un motif et qui décrit un ensemble de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Regular expression — Expression rationnelle Pour les articles homonymes, voir régulier et rationnel. Une expression rationnelle ou expression régulière[1] est en informatique une chaîne de caractères que l’on appelle parfois un motif et qui décrit un ensemble de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Regular expressions — Expression rationnelle Pour les articles homonymes, voir régulier et rationnel. Une expression rationnelle ou expression régulière[1] est en informatique une chaîne de caractères que l’on appelle parfois un motif et qui décrit un ensemble de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Regular singular point — In mathematics, in the theory of ordinary differential equations in the complex plane , the points of are classified into ordinary points, at which the equation s coefficients are analytic functions, and singular points, at which some coefficient …   Wikipedia

  • regular — [[t]re̱gjʊlə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ regulars 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. Take regular exercise... Now it s time for our regular… …   English dictionary

  • Regular local ring — In commutative algebra, a regular local ring is a Noetherian local ring having the property that the minimal number of generators of its maximal ideal is exactly the same as its Krull dimension. The minimal number of generators of the maximal… …   Wikipedia

  • Regular semigroup — A regular semigroup is a semigroup S in which every element is regular, i.e., for each element a , there exists an element x such that axa = a . [Howie 1995 : 54.] Regular semigroups are one of the most studied classes of semigroups, and their… …   Wikipedia

  • condition — conditionable, adj. /keuhn dish euhn/, n. 1. a particular mode of being of a person or thing; existing state; situation with respect to circumstances. 2. state of health: He was reported to be in critical condition. 3. fit or requisite state: to… …   Universalium

  • Regular representation — In mathematics, and in particular the theory of group representations, the regular representation of a group G is the linear representation afforded by the group action of G on itself. ignificance of the regular representation of a groupTo say… …   Wikipedia

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