regular clergy
Смотреть что такое "regular clergy" в других словарях:
Regular clergy — Clergy Cler gy, n. [OE. clergie, clergi, clerge, OF. clergie, F. clergie (fr. clerc clerc, fr. L. clericus priest) confused with OF. clergi[ e], F. clerg[ e], fr. LL. clericatus office of priest, monastic life, fr. L. clericus priest, LL. scholar … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular clergy — Regular clergy, or just regulars, is applied in the Roman Catholic Church to clerics who follow a rule (Latin regula ) in their life. Strictly, it means those members of religious orders who have made solemn profession. It contrasts with secular… … Wikipedia
Regular Clergy — ♦ Monks, canons, friars and other clergy who lived in communities under a rule; word derived from the Latin word regula, rule ; often contrasted with the secular clergy, the bishops and priests who worked in the world. (Lynch, Joseph H. The… … Medieval glossary
regular clergy — Members of the clergy who belonged to some monastery or religious house, as distinguished from members of the secular clergy who did not … Ballentine's law dictionary
Regular clergy — Monks and nuns whose lives were subject to a rule, e.g. the Benedictines, Carthusians, Cistercians, Premonstratensians. The Latin regula = a rule … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
regular clergy — Черное духовенство … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Clergy — Cler gy, n. [OE. clergie, clergi, clerge, OF. clergie, F. clergie (fr. clerc clerc, fr. L. clericus priest) confused with OF. clergi[ e], F. clerg[ e], fr. LL. clericatus office of priest, monastic life, fr. L. clericus priest, LL. scholar, clerc … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular — Reg u*lar ( l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gulier. See {Rule}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular polygon — Regular Reg u*lar ( l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gulier. See {Rule}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular polyhedron — Regular Reg u*lar ( l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gulier. See {Rule}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Regular sales — Regular Reg u*lar ( l?r), a. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. r[ e]gulier. See {Rule}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English