regression slope

regression slope
мат. наклон линии регрессии

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regression slope" в других словарях:

  • Regression dilution — is a statistical phenomenon also known as attenuation . Consider fitting a straight line for the relationship of an outcome variable y to a predictor variable x, and estimating the gradient (slope) of the line. Statistical variability,… …   Wikipedia

  • regression — regression, regression analysis A term used originally to describe the fact that if, for example, parents and children s weights are measured, the children s weights tend to be closer to the average than are those of their parents: unusually… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Slope One — Slope One  семейство алгоритмов для коллаборативной фильтрации (используемой в рекомендательных системах) для анализа различных мнений и пожеланий пользователей и выработки персональных рекомендаций. Существует как минимум 2 класса… …   Википедия

  • Slope One — Collaborative filtering is a technique used by recommender systems to combine different users opinions and tastes in order to achieve personalized recommendations. There are at least two classes of collaborative filtering: user based techniques… …   Wikipedia

  • regression coefficient — noun when the regression line is linear (y = ax + b) the regression coefficient is the constant (a) that represents the rate of change of one variable (y) as a function of changes in the other (x); it is the slope of the regression line • Topics …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slope One — Este artículo está huérfano, pues pocos o ningún artículo enlazan aquí. Por favor, introduce enlaces hacia esta página desde otros artículos relacionados …   Wikipedia Español

  • Regression — A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other changing variables (known as independent variables). The two basic types of regression… …   Investment dictionary

  • Slope stability radar — The Slope Stability Radar (SSR) is a new application for the monitoring of slope stability at open cut mines. It is a system currently in use across the global mining and civil industries. Slope stability is a critical safety and production issue …   Wikipedia

  • regression — A mathematical technique used to explain and/or predict. The general form is Y = a + bX + u, where Y is the variable that we are trying to predict; X is the variable that we are using to predict Y, a is the intercept; b is the slope, and u is the …   Financial and business terms

  • Simple linear regression — A simple linear regression is a linear regression in which there is only one covariate (predictor variable). Simple linear regression is a form of multiple regression. Simple linear regression is used in situations to evaluate the linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear regression — Example of simple linear regression, which has one independent variable In statistics, linear regression is an approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar variable y and one or more explanatory variables denoted X. The case of one… …   Wikipedia

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