Смотреть что такое "regolith" в других словарях:
Regolith — (Greek: blanket rock ) is a layer of loose, heterogeneous material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, some asteroids, and other planets. The term was first… … Wikipedia
Regolith — (altgriechisch ῥῆγμα, regma = Bruch und λἰθος, lithos = Stein) ist in der Geomorphologie eine Decke aus Lockermaterial, die sich durch chemische und physikalische Verwitterung über dem darunter liegenden unverwitterten Ausgangsmaterial… … Deutsch Wikipedia
regolith — 1897, from Gk. rhegos “rug, blanket” + lithos “stone.” … Etymology dictionary
regolith — [reg′ə lith΄] n. [< Gr rhēgos, blanket, orig. colored rug (akin to rhezein, to dye) + LITH] the loose, unconsolidated material, residual or transported, that rests on the bedrock; mantle rock … English World dictionary
regolith — All unconsolidated earth materials above the solid bedrock. It includes material weathered in place from all kinds of bedrock and alluvial, glacial, eolian, lacustrine, and pyroclastic deposits. Soil scientists regard as soil only that part of … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
regolith — noun /ˈɹɛɡəlɪθ/ The layer of loose rock, resting on the bedrock, that constitutes the surface of most land (and the surface of the earth, moon, and other large solid aggregated celestial objects. There can also be sub marine regolith.) … Wiktionary
Regolith Excavation Challenge — Le Regolith Excavation Challenge est une compétition de robotique organisé tous les ans par la California Space Authority depuis plusieurs années. Le but des robots participant à cette compétition est de récolter du faux régolithe (de la… … Wikipédia en Français
regolith rock — dirvožemis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žemės plutos viršutinis purusis sluoksnis, susidaręs iš dirvodarinės uolienos, veikiant dirvodaros procesams (kompleksiškai veikiant vandeniui, orui, gyviesiems organizmams), ir… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
regolith — noun Etymology: Greek rhēgos blanket + English lith; akin to Greek rhezein to dye more at raga Date: 1897 unconsolidated residual or transported material that overlies the solid rock on the earth, moon, or a planet … New Collegiate Dictionary
regolith — /reg euh lith/, n. See mantle rock. [1895 1900; < Gk rhêgo(s) rug, blanket + LITH] * * * … Universalium
regolith — rock material that has been weathered from the original bedrock … Geography glossary