Regnal — Reg nal (r?g nal), a. [L. regnum reign.] Of or pertaining to the reign of a monarch; as, regnal years. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
regnal — [reg′nəl] adj. [ML regnalis < L regnum,REIGN] of a sovereign, sovereignty, or reign … English World dictionary
regnal — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin regnalis, from Latin regnum reign more at reign Date: 1612 of or relating to a king or his reign; specifically calculated from a monarch s accession to the throne < in his eighth regnal year > … New Collegiate Dictionary
regnal — /reg nl/, adj. of or pertaining to a sovereign, sovereignty, or reign: the second regnal year of Louis XIV. [1605 15; < ML regnalis, equiv. to L regn(um) rule, kingdom + alis AL1; see REIGN] * * * … Universalium
regnal — reg•nal [[t]ˈrɛg nl[/t]] adj. of or pertaining to a sovereign, sovereignty, or reign: the second regnal year of Louis XIV[/ex] • Etymology: 1605–15; < ML rēgnālis= L rēgn(um) rule, kingdom + ālis al I; cf. reign … From formal English to slang
regnal — /ˈrɛgnəl/ (say regnuhl) adjective of or relating to reigning, sovereignty, or a reign: the second regnal year. {Medieval Latin regnālis, from Latin regnum kingdom} …
regnal — adj. of a reign. Phrases and idioms: regnal year a year reckoned from the date or anniversary of a sovereign s accession. Etymology: AL regnalis (as REIGN) … Useful english dictionary
regnal years — /regnal yirz/ Statutes of the British parliament are usually cited by the name and year of the sovereign in whose reign they were enacted, and the successive years of the reign of any king or queen are denominated the regnal years. Since 1963,… … Black's law dictionary
Regnal name — A regnal name, or reign name, is a formal name used by some monarchs and popes during their reigns. Since medieval times, monarchs have frequently chosen to use a name different from their own personal name when they inherit a throne. The new… … Wikipedia
Regnal year — A regnal year is a year of the reign of a sovereign. From Latin regnum meaning kingdom, rule.The oldest dating systems were in regnal years, and considered the date as an ordinal, not a cardinal number. For example, a monarch could have a first… … Wikipedia
regnal year — noun A year in the reign of a monarch, beginning on the day of accession, the set of which are numbered ordinally. Formerly laws in the United Kingdom were identified in part by the regnal year of the monarch, and this practice is still followed… … Wiktionary