regional structure
Смотреть что такое "regional structure" в других словарях:
Regional Assemblies in England — Regional Assembly is the name which has been adopted by the English bodies established as regional chambers under the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 and of the elected London Assembly. [ [… … Wikipedia
Regional airliner — A Flybe Bombardier Q400 A regional airliner or a feederliner is a small airliner designed to fly up to 100 passengers on short haul flights, usually feeding larger carriers hubs from small markets. This class of airliners are typically flown by… … Wikipedia
Regional integration — is a process in which states enter into a regional organisation in order to increase regional cooperation and diffuse regional tensions. Past efforts at regional integration have often focused on removing barriers to free trade in the region,… … Wikipedia
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en islande — Les championnats islandais de football sont regroupés en divisions interconnectées par un système de promotions/relégations, contrôlées par la fédération d Islande de football et regroupant les clubs islandais de football. Le fonctionnement Le… … Wikipédia en Français
Regional Health Information Organization — Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs) are key to the US National Health Information Network (NHIN). [ [ policy200404/chap3.html White House website] Transforming Health Care: The… … Wikipedia
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en angleterre — La structure pyramidale des ligues de football en Angleterre (English football league system en anglais) désigne le système de classement officiel des ligues et divisions du football anglais (certains clubs gallois évoluant en Angleterre sont… … Wikipédia en Français
Regional airline — Regional Airlines redirects here. For the Moroccan airline, see Regional Air Lines. For the French airline, see Regional Airlines (France). Flight West was a regional airline operating in Australia in the 1990s Regional airlines are airlines that … Wikipedia
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en france — La structure pyramidale des ligues de football en France désigne le système de classement officiel des ligues et divisions du football français. Le nombre exact de clubs représentés varie chaque année mais on peut l estimer à 6000 (réserves non… … Wikipédia en Français
Regional science — is a field of the social sciences concerned with analytical approaches to problems that are specifically urban, rural, or regional. Topics in regional science include, but are not limited to location theory or spatial economics, location modeling … Wikipedia
Regional Spatial Strategy — Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) provide a regional level planning framework for the regions of England, outside London where spatial planning is the responsibility of the Mayor. They are not prepared in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland as… … Wikipedia
Regional Seat of Government — Regional Seats of Government or RSGs were the best known aspect of Britain s Civil Defence preparations against Nuclear War. In fact, however, naming conventions changed over the years as strategies in Whitehall changed.In the aftermath of the… … Wikipedia