Смотреть что такое "regimentary" в других словарях:
regimentary — reg·i·men·ta·ry … English syllables
regimentary — tərē adjective : involving or tending toward regimentation … Useful english dictionary
Polkovnik — (Russian: полковник, Polish: pułkownik, Ukrainian: полковник, Czech: plukovník; literally regimentary ) is often a military rank in Slavic countries which corresponds to a colonel in English speaking states. However, in the Ukraine, polkovnyk was … Wikipedia
Pułkownik — (literarily Regimentary , abbrev. płk) is a rank of Poland which corresponds to a Colonel in english speaking countries. The symbols of the rank consist of two bars and three stars, placed both on the rogatywka cap, sleeves of the uniform and… … Wikipedia