
rɪˈdʒenərətɪv прил.
1) возрождающий, восстанавливающий
2) тех. регенеративный, рекуперативный возрождающий, восстанавливающий - the great * work великая восстановительная работа - * pruning (садоводчество) омолаживающая обрезка (техническое) регенеративный (электроника) с обратной связью;
регенеративный regenerative возрождающий, восстанавливающий ~ тех. регенеративный, рекуперативный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "regenerative" в других словарях:

  • Regenerative — Re*gen er*a*tive (r?*j?n ?r*?*t?v), a. Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to regenerate; as, regenerative influences. H. Bushnell. [1913 Webster] {Regenerative furnace} (Metal.), a furnace having a regenerator in which gas used for fuel,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • regenerative — c.1400, from Fr. régénératif or directly from M.L. regenerativus, from regeneratus (see REGENERATION (Cf. regeneration)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • regenerative — [ri jen′ə rāt΄iv, ri jen′rə tiv] adj. [ME < MFr < ML regenerativus] 1. regenerating or tending to regenerate 2. of or characterized by regeneration regeneratively adv …   English World dictionary

  • regenerative — [[t]rɪʤe̱nərətɪv[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Regenerative powers or processes cause something to heal or become active again after it has been damaged or inactive. ...the regenerative power of nature …   English dictionary

  • regenerative — regenerate ► VERB 1) regrow (new tissue). 2) bring new and more vigorous life to (an area or institution). 3) (especially in Christian use) give a new and higher spiritual nature to. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ reborn, especially in a spiritual or moral sense …   English terms dictionary

  • Regenerative cooling (rocket) — Regenerative cooling in rockets is where some or all of the propellant is passed through tubes, channels or otherwise in a jacket around the combustion chamber or nozzle to cool the engine because the fuel in particular and sometimes the oxidiser …   Wikipedia

  • Regenerative cooling — is a method of cooling gases in which compressed gas is cooled by allowing it to expand and and thereby taking heat from the surroundings, the cooled expanded gas then passes through a heat exchanger where it cools the incoming compressed gas.… …   Wikipedia

  • Regenerative capacitor memory — is a type of computer memory that uses the electrical property of capacitance to store the bits of data. Because the stored charge slowly leaks away, these memories must be periodically regenerated (i.e. read and rewritten, also called refreshed) …   Wikipedia

  • Regenerative Design — is a process oriented systems thinking approach that is intended to create vibrant ecologies and exuberant cultures that continue to generate a surplus of fertility and vitality. The process is based on the concepts of Agile development… …   Wikipedia

  • Regenerative furnace — Regenerative Re*gen er*a*tive (r?*j?n ?r*?*t?v), a. Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to regenerate; as, regenerative influences. H. Bushnell. [1913 Webster] {Regenerative furnace} (Metal.), a furnace having a regenerator in which gas… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Regenerative Satellite Mesh - A Air Interface — (RSM A) is an internationally standardized satellite communications protocol by Telecommunications Industry Association and European Telecommunications Standards Institute.It is based upon the SPACEWAY Ka band communications system developed by… …   Wikipedia

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