Смотреть что такое "regelated" в других словарях:
Kingston City FC — Infobox Football club clubname = Kingston City FC fullname = Kingston City Football Club nickname = The Reds founded = 1974 ground = The Grange Kingston, Australia capacity = chairman = manager = Sam Elmazi league = Victorian State League… … Wikipedia
Port Melbourne Sharks — Football club infobox clubname = Port Melbourne Sharks fullname = Port Melbourne Sharks Soccer Club nickname = Sharks, Nea Ellas founded = 1968 ground = SS Anderson Reserve, Port Melbourne capacity = | chairman = coach = manager = league =… … Wikipedia
Nathan Paulse — Personal information Date of birth April 7, 1982 (1982 04 07) (age 29) Place of birth … Wikipedia
regelate — /ree jeuh layt , ree jeuh layt /, v.i., regelated, regelating. to freeze by regelation. [1855 60; back formation from REGELATION] * * * … Universalium
Estudiantes de Buenos Aires — Estudiantes (BA) Full name Club Atlético Estudiantes Nickname(s) Pincha, Matador Founded August 15, 18 … Wikipedia
Irapuato FC — Irapuato Full name Club Irapuato Por Siempre Nickname(s) La Trinca, Freseros, La Trinca Fresera (The Strawberry Lashers) … Wikipedia
cold — adj 1. heatless, sunless, cool, chill, chilly, nippy, unheated, unwarmed; frigid, icy, algid, gelid, freezing, ice cold; frosty, wintry, brumal, hibernal, snowy, hoary, rimy; arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean, hyperboreal, Siberian; bitter,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
regelate — /ˈridʒəleɪt/ (say reejuhlayt) verb (i) (regelated, regelating) to freeze together, as two pieces of ice pressed together near the freezing point. {Latin regelātus} –regelation /ridʒəˈleɪʃən/ (say reejuh layshuhn), noun …
regelation — [rē΄jə lā′shən] n. [see RE & GELATION1] a freezing or refreezing together of pieces of ice after a pressure, which has caused melting at a temperature below the normal melting point, has been removed regelate [rē΄jə′lāt΄] vi. regelated,… … English World dictionary