refusal of an offer
Смотреть что такое "refusal of an offer" в других словарях:
offer — [n] proposal, suggestion action, attempt, bid, endeavor, essay, feeler*, hit*, overture, pass*, pitch*, presentation, proposition, propoundment, rendition, submission, tender; concepts 66,67,278 Ant. refusal, taking, withdrawal offer [v1] present … New thesaurus
refusal — re‧fus‧al [rɪˈfjuːzl] noun give/offer someone first refusal to let someone be the first to decide whether they want to buy something you are selling before you offer it to other people: • If you ever sell the business I d like to be offered… … Financial and business terms
offer — ► VERB 1) present for acceptance, refusal, or consideration. 2) express willingness to do something for someone. 3) provide (access or opportunity). 4) present (a prayer or sacrifice) to a deity. 5) (offer up) place in the desired position for… … English terms dictionary
refusal — [n] denial of responsibility; unwillingness abnegation, ban, choice, cold shoulder*, declension, declination, defiance, disallowance, disapproval, disavowal, disclaimer, discountenancing, disfavor, dissent, enjoinment, exclusion, forbidding,… … New thesaurus
offer — offerable, adj. offerer, offeror, n. /aw feuhr, of euhr/, v.t. 1. to present for acceptance or rejection; proffer: He offered me a cigarette. 2. to propose or put forward for consideration: to offer a suggestion. 3. to propose or volunteer (to do … Universalium
refusal — The denial of a request or demand. The rejection of an offer or of property sought to be delivered. The rejection of an offer of possession. Although, in its ordinary usage, the word usually imports that a demand has been made upon a person and… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Offer and acceptance — Contract law Part o … Wikipedia
refusal — noun (C, U) 1 an act of saying or showing that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do: refusal to do sth: His refusal to pay the fine got him into trouble. | point blank refusal (=an immediate direct refusal) 2 an act of not… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
offer — v. & n. v. 1 tr. present for acceptance or refusal or consideration (offered me a drink; was offered a lift; offer one s services; offer no apology). 2 intr. (foll. by to + infin.) express readiness or show intention (offered to take the… … Useful english dictionary
refusal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Declining to do or accept Nouns refusal; nonacceptance, denial, declining, declination, rejection; disclaimer, repudiation; negation, contradiction; rebuff, repulse, snub. Informal, thumbs down. See… … English dictionary for students
first refusal — noun The chance to buy (esp property) before it is offered to others • • • Main Entry: ↑first * * * (the right of) first refusal : the right to accept or refuse something before it is offered to anyone else If we decide to sell the house, we ll… … Useful english dictionary