refunding first mortgage bond

refunding first mortgage bond
облигация, обеспеченная первой закладной и используемая для рефинансирования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "refunding first mortgage bond" в других словарях:

  • bond — A certificate or evidence of a debt on which the issuing company or governmental body promises to pay the bondholders a specified amount of interest for a specified length of time, and to repay the loan on the expiration date. A long term debt… …   Black's law dictionary

  • bond — A certificate or evidence of a debt on which the issuing company or governmental body promises to pay the bondholders a specified amount of interest for a specified length of time, and to repay the loan on the expiration date. A long term debt… …   Black's law dictionary

  • bond — Synonyms and related words: Fannie Mae, Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, Oregon boat, Series E bond, Series H bond, accident insurance, accord, accouple, accumulate, actuary, addition, adherence, adhesion, adhesive, adjunct, adjustment bond,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • ОБЛИГАЦИЯ — BONDПроцентный долговой сертификат, один из серии составляющих ссуду правительству или деловой корпорации или офиц. обещание заемщика выплатить кредитору определенную сумму денег в указанную будущую дату с гарантией или без нее и подписанное и… …   Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов

  • debenture — Synonyms and related words: CD, Fannie Mae, Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, IOU, MO, Series E bond, Series H bond, acceptance, acceptance bill, adjustment bond, annuity bond, appreciation bond, arrangement, assented bond, assumed bond, baby bond …   Moby Thesaurus

  • indenture — Synonyms and related words: Fannie Mae, Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, Series E bond, Series H bond, adjustment bond, alveolation, alveolus, annuity bond, appreciation bond, apprentice, apprenticeship, arrangement, article, assented bond,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Fannie Mae — Synonyms and related words: Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, Series E bond, Series H bond, adjustment bond, annuity bond, appreciation bond, assented bond, assumed bond, baby bond, bearer bond, bearer certificate, bond, bond anticipation note,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • seconds — Synonyms and related words: Burley, Cuban, Fannie Mae, Federal Agency bond, Ginnie Mae, Havana, Havana seed, Latakia, Maryland, Russian, Series E bond, Series H bond, Turkish, Virginia, adjustment bond, annuity bond, appreciation bond, article,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • ОБЛИГАЦИЯ, ОБЕСПЕЧЕННАЯ ПЕРВОЙ ЗАКЛАДНОЙ И ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМАЯ ДЛЯ РЕФИНАНСИРОВАНИЯ — FIRST AND REFUNDING MORTGAGE BONDОблигации, обеспеченные первой закладной на часть имущества корпорации (обычно ж. д.), однако не имеющая преимущественного права в отношении оставшейся части имущества, ипотечная задолженность по к рой… …   Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов

  • JPMorgan Chase — This article is about JPMorgan Chase Co. For subsidiaries, see Chase (bank) and J.P. Morgan Co.. JPMorgan Chase Co. Type Public Traded as …   Wikipedia

  • Andrew Kalotay — (born Hungary 1940) is a Hungarian born Wall Street quant and chess master, an American statistician and mathematician. He is best known as an authority on fixed income valuation and institutional debt management. His inventions include the… …   Wikipedia

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