
1) рефинансирование, погашение старой задолженности путем выпуска нового займа
2) обратная выплата, возврат, возмещение, компенсация ∙ - credit for refunding - advance refunding возмещать возмещение см. также refund advanced ~ досрочное рефинансирования refunding возврат денег покупателю товара в случае претензий ~ возвращение, возмещение ~ возмещение ~ погашение старой задолженности путем выпуска нового займа ~ пролонгация долга путем замены одного выпуска ценных бумаг другим ~ рефинансирование ~ of debt погашение долга

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "refunding" в других словарях:

  • refunding — index compensatory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 refunding …   Law dictionary

  • Refunding — occurs when an entity that has issued callable bonds calls those debt securities from the debt holders with the express purpose of reissuing new debt at a lower coupon rate. In essence, the issue of new, lower interest debt allows the company to… …   Wikipedia

  • Refunding — The redemption of a bond with proceeds received from issuing lower cost debt obligations ranking equal to or superior to the debt to be redeemed. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * refunding re‧fund‧ing [riːˈfʌndɪŋ] noun [countable,… …   Financial and business terms

  • refunding — The replacement of existing securities using funds obtained from the issuance of new securities. American Banker Glossary redeeming a bond with proceeds received from issuing ( issue) lower cost debt obligations with ranking equal to or superior… …   Financial and business terms

  • Refunding — The process of retiring or redeeming an outstanding bond issue at maturity by using the proceeds from a new debt issue. The new issue is almost always issued at a lower rate of interest than the refunded issue, ensuring significant reduction in… …   Investment dictionary

  • Refunding —   Retirement of one security issue with proceeds received from selling another. Refunding provides for retiring maturing debt by taking advantage of favorable money market conditions.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s… …   Energy terms

  • refunding escrow deposits — ( REDs) Financial instruments similar to pre refunding bonds. Tax law changes in 1984 restricted tax exempt pre refundings for certain types of municipal debt including airport and convention center related debt. To circumvent those restrictions …   Financial and business terms

  • Refunding Certificate — The Refunding Certificate, issued only in the $10 denomination, was a type of interest bearing banknote issued by the United States Treasury. Their issuance reflects the end of a coin hoarding period which began during the American Civil War, and …   Wikipedia

  • refunding bonds — Bonds issued to replace outstanding bond issues. Usually used to replace callable bonds when interest rates drop. American Banker Glossary * * * refunding bonds UK US noun [plural] STOCK MARKET ► new bonds that replace old bonds that have matured …   Financial and business terms

  • Refunding Escrow Deposits - REDs — A type of forward financial contract that creates an obligation for its investors to purchase a particular bond issue at a specified yield at some date in the future. The money from investors is held in escrow and is used to purchase interest… …   Investment dictionary

  • refunding bond — noun Etymology: refunding from gerund of refund (III) : a bond issued to pay off an outstanding issue …   Useful english dictionary

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