refrigerating chamber
Смотреть что такое "refrigerating chamber" в других словарях:
Environmental chamber — Example of temperature/humidity chamber. An environmental chamber is an enclosure used to test the effects of specified environmental conditions on biological items, industrial products, materials, and electronic devices and components.… … Wikipedia
холодильная камера — Камера с искусственным охлаждением. [ГОСТ 24393 80] холодильная камера Охлаждаемое помещение. [ПБ 09 220 98] Тематики холодильная техника EN chill boxchilling roomchilling roomcold roomcold storage boxcoolercooling chambercoolroomrefrigerated… … Справочник технического переводчика
КАМЕРА ОХЛАЖДАЕМАЯ — герметизированное складское помещение с тамбуром, оборудованное холодильными установками для кратковременного хранения скоропортящихся продуктов (Болгарский язык; Български) хладилна камера (Чешский язык; Čeština) chladírna (Немецкий язык;… … Строительный словарь
камера охлаждаемая — Герметизированное складское помещение с тамбуром, оборудованное холодильными установками для кратковременного хранения скоропортящихся продуктов [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)] Тематики установки и … Справочник технического переводчика
cold storage — n. storage of perishable foods, furs, etc. in a very cold place, esp. in a refrigerating chamber … English World dictionary
cold store — noun Etymology: short for cold storage : a building for cold storage * * * a refrigerated compartment or building for keeping foods, furs, etc., in cold storage. [1890 95; by back formation from COLD STORAGE] * * * cold store UK US noun… … Useful english dictionary
manifold, service — Chamber equipped with gauges and manual valves, used by service technicians to service refrigerating systems … Dictionary of automotive terms
service manifold — Chamber equipped with gauges and manual valves, used by service technicians to service refrigerating systems … Dictionary of automotive terms
Lloyd Groff Copeman — (28 December 1881 ndash; 5 July 1956) [cite web| Biography|url=] was a prolific and successful American inventor who was responsible for devising the first electric… … Wikipedia
diesel engine — a compression ignition engine in which a spray of fuel, introduced into air compressed to a temperature of approximately 1000° F (538° C), ignites at a virtually constant pressure. Also called diesel. [1890 95] * * * Internal combustion engine in … Universalium
Joule's cycle — (Thermodynamics) The cycle for the air engine proposed by Joule. In it air is taken by a pump from a cold chamber and compressed adiabatically until its pressure is eqal to that of the air in a hot chamber, into which it is then delivered,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English