reflection geophone

reflection geophone
сейсмоприемник для метода отраженных волн

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reflection geophone" в других словарях:

  • Reflection seismology — (or seismic reflection) is a method of exploration geophysics that uses the principles of seismology to estimate the properties of the Earth s subsurface from reflected seismic waves. The method requires a controlled seismic source of energy,… …   Wikipedia

  • Geophone — The term geophone derives from the Greek word geo meaning earth and phone meaning sound .A geophone is a device which converts ground movement (displacement) into voltage, which may be recorded at a recording station. The deviation of this… …   Wikipedia

  • geophone — /jee euh fohn /, n. a device that is placed on or in the ground and used to detect seismic waves. [1915 20; GEO + PHONE] * * * ▪ instrument       trade name for an acoustic detector that responds to ground vibrations generated by seismic waves.… …   Universalium

  • сейсмоприёмник для метода отражённых волн — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN reflection geophonereflection seismometer …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Earth exploration — Introduction   the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior.  By the beginning of the 20th century most of the Earth s surface had been explored, at least superficially, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Today the… …   Universalium

  • Seismometer — Seismometers (from Greek Seism the shakes and Metro I measure ) are instruments that measure and record motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes, nuclear explosions, and other seismic sources. Records of… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossaire de la sismique — La sismique est une discipline très technique. Souvent, les personnes travaillant dans ce domaine utilisent un vocabulaire spécifique, provenant en grande partie de l anglais. En outre, les techniques les plus employées, dans le traitement du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Olivier Messiaen — in 1946 Olivier Messiaen (French pronunciation: [ɔlivje mɛsjɑ̃]; December 10, 1908 – Apri …   Wikipedia

  • Seismic source — This article is about artificial seismic sources. For natural seismic sources, see Earthquake, Volcano, and related articles. A seismic source generates controlled seismic energy that is used in both reflection and refraction seismic surveys. A… …   Wikipedia

  • List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C …   Wikipedia

  • Glossaire De La Sismique — La sismique est une discipline très technique. Souvent, les personnes travaillant dans ce domaine utilisent un vocabulaire spécifique, provenant en grande partie de l anglais. En outre, les techniques les plus employées, dans le traitement du… …   Wikipédia en Français

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