refine sugar
Смотреть что такое "refine sugar" в других словарях:
sugar — n. 1) to produce; refine sugar 2) beet; brown; cane; confectioner s (AE), icing (BE); crude; demerara (BE); granulated; lump; maple sugar 3) (med.) blood sugar 4) a lump of sugar 5) (misc.) as sweet as sugar * * * [ ʃʊgə] brown cane crude … Combinatory dictionary
refine — [c]/rəˈfaɪn / (say ruh fuyn) verb (refined, refining) –verb (t) 1. to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities: to refine metal; to refine sugar; to refine petroleum. 2. to purify from what is coarse, vulgar, or debasing; make… …
refine — Hō ae ae, hō ae. ♦ Refine sugar, ho oke oke o i ke kōpa a ula ula … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Refine — Re*fine (r?*f?n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Refined} ( find ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Refining}.] [Pref. re + fine to make fine: cf. F. raffiner.] 1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
refine — (v.) 1580s, of metals, c.1590 of manners, from RE (Cf. re ), intensive prefix, + obsolete fine (v.) make fine, from FINE (Cf. fine) (adj.) delicate. Cf. Fr. raffiner, It. raffinare, Sp. refinar. General and figurative sense is recorded from… … Etymology dictionary
refine — 01. I need to practice a lot in order to [refine] my tennis serve. 02. She shows a lot of promise as a violinist, but she needs to [refine] her technique somewhat. 03. Police raided an illegal laboratory in a house in Seattle today where they… … Grammatical examples in English
refine — verb ADVERB ▪ slightly ▪ greatly ▪ further ▪ increasingly ▪ constantly, continually, continuousl … Collocations dictionary
sugar — sugarless, adj. sugarlike, adj. /shoog euhr/, n. 1. a sweet, crystalline substance, C12H22O11, obtained chiefly from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet, and present in sorghum, maple sap, etc.: used extensively as an ingredient and… … Universalium
refine — refinable, adj. refiner, n. /ri fuyn /, v., refined, refining. v.t. 1. to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities: to refine metal, sugar, or petroleum. 2. to purify from what is coarse, vulgar, or debasing; make elegant or cultured … Universalium
refine — verb /ɹɪˈfaɪn/ a) To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from extraneous matter; to purify; as, to refine gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar … Wiktionary
refine — verb (refined; refining) Date: 1582 transitive verb 1. to free (as metal, sugar, or oil) from impurities or unwanted material 2. to free from moral imperfection ; elevate 3. to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing < refine a poetic style >… … New Collegiate Dictionary