

1) рефинансирование (новые заимствования для погашения имеющейся задолженности)
2) рефинансирование кредита ∙ - eligible for refinancing refinancing выпуск новых ценных бумаг для погашения бумаг с истекающими сроками ~ изменение условий займа ~ изменение условий личной ссуды ~ обеспечение ссудных операций банка заимствованиями на более льготных условиях ~ повторное финансирование ~ пролонгирование срока займа ~ рефинансирование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "refinancing" в других словарях:

  • Refinancing — may refer to the replacement of an existing debt obligation with a debt obligation under different terms. The terms and conditions of refinancing may vary widely by country, province, or state, based on several economic factors such as, inherent… …   Wikipedia

  • refinancing — England, Wales Paying off an existing loan or loans by taking a new loan or loans, usually on different terms. It is often part of a restructuring of a company s business. + refinancing the process of amending or replacing the financing in place… …   Law dictionary

  • refinancing — /rē fi nanˈsing or fīˈ/ (finance) noun Payment of a debt by borrowing additional money ORIGIN: ↑re …   Useful english dictionary

  • refinancing — An extension and/or increase in amount of existing debt. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * refinance re‧fi‧nance [ˌriːˈfaɪnæns, fɪˈnæns] verb [transitive] FINANCE to replace one loan with another one, usually at a lower rate of interest: •… …   Financial and business terms

  • refinancing — /ri: faɪnænsɪŋ/ noun ♦ refinancing of a loan the act of taking out a new loan to pay back a previous loan ▪▪▪ ‘…the refinancing consisted of a two for five rights issue, which took place in September this year, to offer 55.8m shares at 2p and… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • refinancing — noun Refinancing is used after these nouns: ↑mortgage …   Collocations dictionary

  • Refinancing burnout — is a concept related to mortgage industry. The path that mortgage rates follow on their way to the current level will affect prepayments today. The tendency for prepayments to drop when rates fall, rise, and fall again is called refinancing… …   Wikipedia

  • refinancing cliff — USA Market term used for the looming over demand for bank loan refinancings by borrowers. It is called a cliff because many of the loans entered into during the busy years of 2005 2007 are due to mature around the same time (2012 2014). After the …   Law dictionary

  • Refinancing risk — In banking and finance, refinancing risk is the possibility that a borrower cannot refinance by borrowing to repay existing debt. Many types of commercial lending incorporate bullet payments at the point of final maturity; often, the intention or …   Wikipedia

  • Refinancing Risk — 1. The risk that an early unscheduled repayment of principal on mortgage backed securities(MBS) will occur when the underlying mortgages are refinanced by borrowers. All MBS buyers assume some level of prepayments in their initial yield… …   Investment dictionary

  • refinancing — ➡ mortgages * * * …   Universalium

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