

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "referendums" в других словарях:

  • Referendums —    Article 75 of the 1948 Constitution permits the electorate to repeal all or part of a law (or a decree that has the force of law) by popular referendum, though not to write new legislation, which is the explicit function of Parliament. Only… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Referendums in the United Kingdom — Referendums (or referenda) are only occasionally held by the government of the United Kingdom. Nine referendums have been held so far (excluding referendums held under the Local Government Act 1972 see below), the first in 1973; only one of these …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums in Ukraine — Referendums in Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Constitution, are one of the lawful forms of expression of people s will.Referendums are organized by population initiative of no less than 3 million voters. The referendums are designated by… …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums in Transnistria — Referendums in Transnistria, according to the Transnistrian Constitution, are one of the lawful forms of expression of people s will.There have been seven referendums in Transnistria since 1989. Because of strict requirements only six of these… …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums sous la presidence du general de Gaulle — Référendums sous la présidence du général de Gaulle Sous ses deux mandats, le général de Gaulle a organisé 4 référendums : 1961 : Référendum sur l autodétermination en Algérie (le OUI l emporte avec 74,99 %) 1962 : Référendum… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Référendums sous la présidence du général de gaulle — Sous ses deux mandats, le général de Gaulle a organisé 4 référendums : 1961 : Référendum sur l autodétermination en Algérie (le OUI l emporte avec 74,99 %) 1962 : Référendum sur les accords d Évian (le OUI l emporte avec… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Referendums in New Zealand — New Zealand This article is part of the series: Politics and government of New Zealand Constitution …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums in Italy — The Constitution of Italy, provides for only two kinds of legally binding referenda: *a legislative referendum, which can only be called in order to decide on whether to abrogate (ie abolish ) totally or partially an existing law; *a… …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums in Australia — In Australia, referendums are binding polls usually used to alter the constitution of the Commonwealth or a state or territory. Non binding polls are usually referred to as plebiscites.Federal ReferendumsIn Australia, national referendums are… …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums related to the European Union — This is a list of referendums related to the European Union. Enlargement of 1973 Before allowing the new candidate member states to join the European Communities, founding member France held a referendum on 23 April 1972. The turnout was 60.72%,… …   Wikipedia

  • Referendums in Lithuania — There have been nine referendums in Lithuania since it declared independence from the Soviet Union on March 11, 1990. Because of strict requirements only four referendums were successful. Older Lithuanian laws required that more than a half of… …   Wikipedia

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