reference background
Смотреть что такое "reference background" в других словарях:
background — background, setting, environment, milieu, mise en scène, backdrop are comparable when they refer to persons and their actions as found in real life or as represented in art and denote the place, time, circumstances, and conditions in which those… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Background Debug Mode interface — Background Debug Mode (BDM) interface is an electronic interface that allows debugging of embedded systems. Specifically, it provides in circuit debugging functionality in microcontrollers. It requires a single wire and specialized electronics in … Wikipedia
background — [ bakgraund ] n. m. • 1953; mot angl. , de back « qui est derrière » et ground « sol » ♦ Anglic. Arrière plan, cadre, contexte (d une action, d un événement). Recomm. offic. arrière plan. ● background nom masculin (mot anglais) Contexte, arrière… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Reference re Public Service Employee Relations Act (Alta.) — [1987] 1 S.C.R. 313 is a leading opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada on right to freedom of association under section 2(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . The Court held that section 2(d) does not include the right to strike … Wikipedia
Reference re Persons of Japanese Race — [1946] S.C.R. 248 is a famous decision of the Supreme Court of Canada where the Court upheld a government order to deport Canadian citizens of Japanese descent.BackgroundIn January 1942, paranoia among white Canadians on the west coast had… … Wikipedia
Background check — A background check or background investigation is the process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records and financial records (in certain instances such as employment screening) of an individual. Background checks are often … Wikipedia
Reference — For help in citing references, see Wikipedia:Citing sources. For the Wikipedia Reference Desk, see Wikipedia:Reference desk. Reference is derived from Middle English referren, from Middle French rèférer, from Latin referre, to carry back , formed … Wikipedia
Reference ellipsoid — In geodesy, a reference ellipsoid is a mathematically defined surface that approximates the geoid, the truer figure of the Earth, or other planetary body.Because of their relative simplicity, reference ellipsoids are used as a preferred surface… … Wikipedia
Reference re Firearms Act — SCCInfoBox case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) full case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) heard date=February 21, 22, 2000 decided date=June 15, 2000 citations= [2000] 1 S.C.R. 783, 2000 SCC 31 history= none (Reference question)… … Wikipedia
Reference re Secession of Quebec — SCCInfoBox case name=Reference re Secession of Quebec full case name=Reference re Secession of Quebec heard date=February 16 19, 1998 decided date=August 20, 1998 citations= [1998] 2 S.C.R. 217; 1998 CanLII 793 (S.C.C.); (1998), 161 D.L.R. (4th)… … Wikipedia
Reference data (financial markets) — In order to facilitate rapid, error free completion of financial transactions across multiple geographical markets and in support of increasingly complex products, the financial service industry and regulatory agencies have pursued a policy of… … Wikipedia