Смотреть что такое "reface" в других словарях:
reface — REFÁCE, refác, vb. III. tranz. 1. A face din nou ceva rău făcut sau în parte distrus; a repara; p. ext. a transforma, a modifica, a schimba. ♦ refl. (Despre un ţesut) A se regenera. 2. A aduce din nou în starea (de înflorire) în care a fost mai… … Dicționar Român
reface — index meliorate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
reface — [rē fās′] vt. refaced, refacing to put a new face, facing, or surface on … English World dictionary
reface — verb To replace the face or surface of something; to create a new outer layer. They decided to reface their cabinets, putting new doors and fresh paint just on the fronts … Wiktionary
reface — /ree fays /, v.t., refaced, refacing. 1. to renew, restore, or repair the face or surface of (buildings, stone, etc.). 2. to provide with a new facing, as a garment. [1850 55; RE + FACE] * * * … Universalium
reface — verb put a new facing on (a building) … English new terms dictionary
reface — re·face … English syllables
reface — re•face [[t]riˈfeɪs[/t]] v. t. faced, fac•ing 1) bui to renew, restore, or repair the face or surface of (buildings, stone, etc.) 2) to provide with a new facing, as a garment • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
reface — /ˌriˈfeɪs/ (say .ree fays) verb (t) (refaced, refacing) 1. to renew, restore, or repair the face or surface of (buildings, stone, etc.). 2. to provide (a garment, etc.) with a new facing …
reface — A general term for reconditioning of the interface between valves and their seats in the cylinder head; depending on valve seat condition, refacing may involve lapping, grinding, or cutting … Dictionary of automotive terms
reface — put a new facing on (a building) … Useful english dictionary