redundant data

redundant data
мат. избыточные данные

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "redundant data" в других словарях:

  • redundant-data check — perteklinė kontrolė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. error check; redundancy check; redundant check; redundant data check vok. Redundanzkontrolle, f; Redundanzprüfung, f rus. контроль с введением избыточности, m; контроль с помощью …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Data governance — is an emerging discipline with an evolving definition. The discipline embodies a convergence of data quality, data management, data policies, business process management, and risk management surrounding the handling of data in an organization.… …   Wikipedia

  • Data redundancy — occurs in database systems which have a field that is repeated in two or more tables. For instance, in case when customer data is duplicated and attached with each product bought then redundancy of data is a known source of inconsistency, since… …   Wikipedia

  • Data center — An operation engineer overseeing a Network Operations Control Room of a data center. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and …   Wikipedia

  • Data deduplication — In computing, data deduplication is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating coarse grained redundant data. The technique is used to improve storage utilization and can also be applied to network data transfers to reduce the… …   Wikipedia

  • redundant check — perteklinė kontrolė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. error check; redundancy check; redundant check; redundant data check vok. Redundanzkontrolle, f; Redundanzprüfung, f rus. контроль с введением избыточности, m; контроль с помощью …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Redundant Array of Inexpensive Nodes — Redundant/Reliable Array of Inexpensive/Independent Nodes (RAIN) is an open architecture approach to computer storage, that combines commodity or low cost computing hardware with highly intelligent management software to surpass the reliability… …   Wikipedia

  • Data compression —   Data in computers are normally stored in a way which causes every character (including spaces) to occupy the same amount of memory space. This is usually an eight digit code consisting of 0s and 1s. As the amount of data needed to be held in… …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Data Vault Modeling — is a database modeling method that is designed to provide historical storage of data coming in from multiple operational systems. It is also a method of looking at historical data that, apart from the modeling aspect, deals with issues such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Intensive Computing — is a class of parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically referred to as Big Data. Computing applications which devote most of their …   Wikipedia

  • Data migration — is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems. Data migration is usually performed programmatically to achieve an automated migration, freeing up human resources from tedious tasks. It is required when… …   Wikipedia

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