reduction temperature

reduction temperature
температура восстановления

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reduction temperature" в других словарях:

  • Reduction — Reduction, reduced, or reduce may refer to:cienceChemistry*Reduction – chemical reaction in which atoms have their oxidation number (oxidation state) changed. **Reduced gas – a gas with a low oxidation number **Ore reduction: see… …   Wikipedia

  • réduction — [ redyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIIe « rapprochement »; lat. reductio, de reducere → réduire I ♦ (XIVe) Opération qui consiste à remettre en place (un os luxé, fracturé; un organe déplacé). Réduction d une articulation luxée. Par ext. Réduction d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Reduction potential — (also known as redox potential, oxidation / reduction potential, ORP or Eh) is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons and thereby be reduced. Reduction potential is measured in volts (V), or millivolts (mV). Each… …   Wikipedia

  • Reduction (philosophy) — Reduction is the process by which one object, property, concept, theory, etc., is shown to be explicable in terms of another, higher level, concept, object, property, etc. For example, we say that chemical properties such as the boiling point of… …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature measurement — using modern scientific thermometers and temperature scales goes back at least as far as the early 18th century, when Gabriel Fahrenheit adapted a thermometer (switching to mercury) and a scale both developed by Ole Christensen Røemer. Fahrenheit …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis — (TGGE) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) are forms of electrophoresis which use either a temperature or chemical gradient to denature the sample as it moves across an acrylamide gel. TGGE and DGGE can be applied to nucleic acids… …   Wikipedia

  • Reduction de Wolff-Kishner — Réduction de Wolff Kishner En chimie organique, la réduction de Wolff Kishner est le nom donné à la réaction permettant de convertir le groupement carbonyle en groupement CH2 à l aide d hydrazine en milieu acide suivi d un traitement en milieu… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Réduction de wolff-kishner — En chimie organique, la réduction de Wolff Kishner est le nom donné à la réaction permettant de convertir le groupement carbonyle en groupement CH2 à l aide d hydrazine en milieu acide suivi d un traitement en milieu basique (soude) :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Temperature record — For extreme records instead of records as a set of data, see Temperature extremes For instrument derived temperature records, see Instrumental temperature record …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature record of the past 1000 years — The temperature record of the past 1,000 years describes the reconstruction of temperature for the last 1000 years on the Northern Hemisphere. A reconstruction is needed because a reliable surface temperature record exists only since about 1850.… …   Wikipedia

  • Réduction de Wolff-Kishner — En chimie organique, la réduction de Wolff Kishner est le nom donné à la réaction permettant de convertir le groupement carbonyle en groupement CH2 à l aide d hydrazine en milieu acide suivi d un traitement en milieu basique (soude) suite aux… …   Wikipédia en Français

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