- reduction ad absurdum
- мат. приведение к абсурду, сведение к противоречию
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
reduction ad absurdum — proving something to be false by demonstrating its illogical outcome … English contemporary dictionary
réduction — [ redyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIIe « rapprochement »; lat. reductio, de reducere → réduire I ♦ (XIVe) Opération qui consiste à remettre en place (un os luxé, fracturé; un organe déplacé). Réduction d une articulation luxée. Par ext. Réduction d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Reductio ad absurdum — (Latin for reduction to the absurd ), also known as an apagogical argument, reductio ad impossibile, or proof by contradiction, is a type of logical argument where one assumes a claim for the sake of argument and derives an absurd or ridiculous… … Wikipedia
reductio ad absurdum — index counterargument Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 reductio ad absurdum … Law dictionary
reductio ad absurdum — /ri duk tee oh ad ab serr deuhm, zerr , shee oh /, Logic. a reduction to an absurdity; the refutation of a proposition by demonstrating the inevitably absurd conclusion to which it would logically lead. [1735 45; < L reductio ad absurdum] * * * ▪ … Universalium
reductioad absurdum — re·duc·ti·o ad ab·sur·dum (rĭ dŭkʹtē ō ăd əb sûrʹdəm, zûrʹ , shē ō) n. pl. re·duc·ti·o·nes ad absurdum ( ōʹnēz, nās) Disproof of a proposition by showing that it leads to absurd or untenable conclusions. [Medieval Latin reductiō ad absurdum:… … Universalium
Reductio ad absurdum — Raisonnement par l absurde Voir « apagogie » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français
reductio ad absurdum — 1741, Latin, lit. reduction to the absurd … Etymology dictionary
reductio ad absurdum — (reh DUK tee oh ahd ahb SOOR dum) [Latin] Reduction to the absurd: proof of the falsity of a statement by showing its logical consequence to be absurd; carrying a principle to unreasonable lengths. The weepy, shrieking girls who surround… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
reductio ad absurdum — [ri duk′tē ō΄ ad ab sʉr′dəm, ri duk′shē ō΄] n. [L, reduction to absurdity] Logic the proof of a proposition by showing its opposite to be an obvious falsity or self contradiction, or the disproof of a proposition by showing its consequences to be … English World dictionary
indirect reduction — noun 1. : the process of reducing a syllogistic argument to the first figure by taking the contradictory of the conclusion as a premise and getting the contradictory of one premise as the new conclusion contrasted with direct reduction 2. also… … Useful english dictionary