- reduced form
- мат. приведенная форма;
приведенный вид
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Reduced form — In social science and statistics, particularly econometrics, the reduced form of a system of equations is the result of solving the system for the endogenous variables. This gives the latter as a function of the exogenous variables, if any.… … Wikipedia
reduced form — redukuotasis pavidalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reduced form vok. reduzierte Form, f rus. приведённая форма, f pranc. forme réduite, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
reduced form — См. état plein … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
Reduced mass — is the effective inertial mass appearing in the two body problem of Newtonian mechanics. This is a quantity with the unit of mass, which allows the two body problem to be solved as if it were a one body problem. Note however that the mass… … Wikipedia
Reduced Instruction Set Computer — (RISC) (engl. für Rechner mit reduziertem Befehlssatz) ist eine Designphilosophie für Computerprozessoren, die einfache Maschinenbefehle bevorzugt. Der Begriff wurde 1980 von David A. Patterson und Carlo H. Séquin geprägt.[1] Die Beschränkung auf … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reduced Media Independent Interface — (RMII) is a standard that addresses the connection of Ethernet physical layer transceivers (PHY) to Ethernet switches. It reduces the number of signals/pins required for connecting to the PHY from 16 (for an MII compliant interface) to between 6… … Wikipedia
Reduced — Reduce Re*duce (r[ e]*d[=u]s ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reduced} ( d[=u]st ),; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reducing} ( d[=u] s[i^]ng).] [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red . re , re + ducere to lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Redoubt}, n.] 1. To bring or lead back to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reduced iron — Reduce Re*duce (r[ e]*d[=u]s ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reduced} ( d[=u]st ),; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reducing} ( d[=u] s[i^]ng).] [L. reducere, reductum; pref. red . re , re + ducere to lead. See {Duke}, and cf. {Redoubt}, n.] 1. To bring or lead back to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reduced iron — Iron I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen, [=i]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [=i]sarn, OHG. [=i]sarn, [=i]san, G. eisen, Icel. [=i]sarn, j[=a]rn, Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reduced instruction set computer — The acronym RISC (pronounced risk ), for reduced instruction set computing, represents a CPU design strategy emphasizing the insight that simplified instructions which do less may still provide for higher performance if this simplicity can be… … Wikipedia
Reduced pressure — In thermodynamics, the reduced pressure of a fluid is defined as its actual pressure divided by its critical pressure.:P r = {P over P c}These dimensionless themodynamic coordinates (together with the reduced temperature) provide the basis for… … Wikipedia