- redout
- ˈredaut сущ. прилив крови к голове (при вращении) "красная пелена" (прилив крови к голове - у космонавтов) redout прилив крови к голове (при вращении)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
redout — [red′out΄] n. [ RED + (BLACK)OUT] a blurring of vision, as if by a red mist, caused by the forcing of blood into the head during feet first acceleration, as in flying … English World dictionary
Redout — Als Redout bzw. Blickröte wird eine Einschränkung des Sehvermögens bezeichnet, die beim Einwirken von negativen g Kräften auf den Körper auftritt (zum Beispiel beim Fliegen eines Außenloopings). Sie äußert sich in einer Rotfärbung des Blickfelds… … Deutsch Wikipedia
redout — A temporary condition occurring because of the effect of negative g on the body, resulting in excessive blood pools flowing into the head and the face and the eyes becoming suffused. The vision is dimmed and the person experiences “redout.” A… … Aviation dictionary
redout — Redoubt Re*doubt (r?*dout ), n. [F. redoute, fem., It. ridotto, LL. reductus, literally, a retreat, from L. reductus drawn back, retired, p. p. of reducere to lead or draw back; cf. F. r[ e]duit, also fr. LL. reductus. See {Reduce}, and cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Redout — A redout occurs when the body experiences sufficient negative g force. Blood flows from the lower parts of the body to the head. It is an inverse effect of a brownout, where blood flows from the head to the lower parts of the body. Redouts are… … Wikipedia
redout — noun Date: 1942 a condition in which centripetal acceleration (as that created when an aircraft abruptly enters a dive) drives blood to the head and causes reddening of the visual field and headache … New Collegiate Dictionary
redout — /red owt /, n. a condition experienced by pilots and astronauts in which blood is forced to the head and results in a reddening of the field of vision during rapid deceleration or in maneuvers that produce a negative gravity force. [1940 45; RED1 … Universalium
redout — red·out red .au̇t n a condition in which centripetal acceleration (as that created when an aircraft abruptly enters a dive) drives blood to the head and causes reddening of the visual field and headache compare BLACKOUT, GRAYOUT … Medical dictionary
redout — red•out [[t]ˈrɛdˌaʊt[/t]] n. pat a condition experienced by pilots and astronauts in which rapid deceleration or a negative gravity force drives blood to the head, reddening the field of vision • Etymology: 1940–45; on the model of blackout … From formal English to slang
redout — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: red out : a condition in which blood is driven to the head as a result of centripetal acceleration that causes severe headache and reddening of the field of vision compare blackout, grayout … Useful english dictionary
Pinault-Printemps-Redout — PPR Unternehmensform Société Anonyme (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia