- redneck
- ˈrednek сущ., амер. белый батрак (в южных штатах) ;
пренебр. неотесанный человек, деревенщина Redneck redneck пренебр. неотесанный человек, деревенщина
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Redneck — refers to a stereotype of usually rural, Caucasian (i.e. white) people of lower socio economic status in the United States and Canada. Originally limited to the Appalachians, and later the South, the Ozarks, the Great Plains and the Rocky… … Wikipedia
Redneck — (deutsch: „Rotnacken“) war ursprünglich die abfällige Bezeichnung für ein weißes, oft bigottes Mitglied der Arbeiterklasse der Südstaaten.[1][2] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bezeichnung 2 Geschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Redneck — Redneck, littéralement « nuque rouge », est un terme populaire anglais désignant un stéréotype d Américain (tout particulièrement originaire du sud du pays ou des Appalaches) ou de Canadien ou d Australien, vivant en milieu campagnard.… … Wikipédia en Français
redneck — (n.) cracker, 1893; attested 1830 in more specialized sense ( This may be ascribed to the Red Necks, a name bestowed upon the Presbyterians in Fayetteville, from Ann Royall, Southern Tour I, p.148). According to various theories, red perhaps from … Etymology dictionary
redneck — [n] hick backwoodsman/woman, boor, bumpkin, clodhopper, cornfed*, country boy/girl, country cousin*, countryman/woman, farmer, good old boy*, hayseed*, hillbilly, local yokel*, rube, rural, rustic, yokel*; concept 413 … New thesaurus
redneck — ► NOUN N. Amer. informal, derogatory ▪ a working class white person from the southern US, especially a politically conservative one … English terms dictionary
redneck — ☆ redneck or red neck [red′nek΄ ] n. [from the characteristic sunburned neck acquired in the fields by farm laborers] Slang a poor, white, rural Southerner, often, specif., one regarded as ignorant, bigoted, violent, etc.: often a derogatory term … English World dictionary
redneck — UK [ˈredˌnek] / US noun [countable] Word forms redneck : singular redneck plural rednecks offensive a working class white person from the southern US, especially one who is not educated and does not like people who are not white Derived word:… … English dictionary
redneck — 1. n. a stereotypic southern bigot. (Derogatory. Also a term of address.) □ Those rednecks can hardly read. □ Look, you stupid redneck, try to understand. 2. mod. in the manner of a southern bigot. □ I don’t follow that kind of redneck thinking … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
redneck — [[t]re̱dnek[/t]] rednecks N COUNT (disapproval) If someone describes a white man, especially a lower class American from the countryside, as a redneck, they disapprove of him because they think he is uneducated and has strong, unreasonable… … English dictionary
redneck — noun Date: 1830 1. sometimes disparaging a white member of the Southern rural laboring class 2. often disparaging a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks • redneck also rednecked adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary